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[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

I can almost guarantee you what sort of response a SocDem would say to hearing that I find it easier to have a genuine discussion with some Jordan Peterson fans than I do any of them. They would be incensed at the mere suggestion that they would be compared unfavourably to an inferior group such as Petersonites and they'd attempt to gaslight me by saying that this experience is indicative of the fact that my values are more closely aligned to Peterson fans than they are to the "real" left because of course SocDems cannot fail, they can only be failed.

Pretty much my case with me favoring talking to the hogs about socialist ideas over libs.

I'm starting to think it's moreso because to be a lib you have to have just enough political education to put yourself ahead of the average hog and that inflates their ego like a Mike foxtrotter whereas the average hog doesn't really give a shit about politics beyond vibes