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[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I haven't seen this option mentioned yet but you can also order your groceries online, and have them delivered. That's what I do at the moment, because I live outside the city and my nearest grocery store is 2 km away. I could bike or hop on a bus, and I do sometimes, but ordering online is just really convenient.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

If anything it's the car-dependent infrastructure that is ableist, as many people with disabilities cannot drive. I can't, and if I didn't live in a place where alternative modes of transport were a thing, I would either be stuck at home, or have to waste money on buying a specially made car.

Far from all disabled people use wheelchairs or have mobility issues. Some have problems with their sight, concentration, fine motor skills etc. which prevent them from driving safely. Even if you cannot walk or ride a bike, and have trouble getting on/off public transport by yourself, living in an environment that is walkable and bikeable usually means that it is also easier/safer to get around in a wheelchair or on a moped.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

We would be riding cows instead.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

Americans seem very "fighty" compared to people from many other countries. You just have to say something that could be construed as liberal (the American kind) or conservative, too politically correct or incorrect, or mention you ride a bicycle or have an outdoor cat, to set some people off. With some Americans having a conversation is like navigating a minefield, especially those who have very little understanding of the rest of the world and reads everything you say into an American context, language barriers and all.

I love talking politics, and have had pleasant conversations with all kinds of people but I have learned from experience to just not bother with Americans, unless they're the very curious and open kind.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I've heard that you fall off the edge of the world, if you go too far.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fisk er mindre klimabelastende, men vi har til gengæld problemer med overfiskeri, og man kunne måske i stedet for subsidiere eller sænke momsen på planteproteiner. Hvis vi skal fortsætte med at være et landbrugsland, er fremtiden måske alligevel i forarbejdede klimavenlige fødevarer.

Det er for eksempel helt absurd at kiloprisen for tofu ligger på samme niveau som kiloprisen for kød, alt efter hvor/hvad man køber, selvfølgelig. Jeg er med på at det ikke er alle der er en fan af tofu, men der er mange andre alternative "køderstatninger", vegetariske/veganske færdigretter og ganske almindelige grøntsager som indeholder meget protein, og som man kunne erstatte lidt af ens (okse)kødforbrug med i stedet for.

Jeg synes dog at det er helt på sin plads, at vi også beskatter de ting i vores samfund som skader klimaet.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Apropos ulighed, så havde jeg en lidt spøjs oplevelse i bussen for et par måneder siden. Jeg var selv på vej hjem fra jobcentret, efter at have ansøgt om uddannelseshjælp (kontanthjælp for unge), og nær mig sad en mand og talte om at han havde været til ansættelsessamtale og aftalt løn. Han havde bedt om 85.000 kr., og det mente arbejdsgiveren var alt for lavt, så til sidst endte de vidst på 120.

Det er ikke fordi jeg ikke kan unde nogen at tjene 120.000 kr. om måneden, eller 500.000 kr. for den sags skyld, men hold da op hvor må vi leve i forskellige verdener, og dét er uretfærdigt. Ikke de dyre biler eller alle udlandsrejserne, men det at kunne spare op til pension, og det at have bedre adgang til for eksempel sundhedsvæsenet og uddannelsessystemet, eller om ikke andet at kunne betale selv, når de offentlige tilbud er utilstrækkelige.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I like to recite grammar rules or language facts to myself when I'm feeling stressed out, almost like a form of meditation.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There's also Coromon, which even has a similar style.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The right to work from home. Many people have jobs they could do from home if their employers would let them, and I think people will be granted the right to choose in at least some countries/sectors.

On a more personal level, I think (or hope) access to education and work for people with disabilities, is something that will improve a lot in my country. There are currently a lot of barriers and counterproductive laws, that I think will be viewed as inhumane in the future.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago (1 children)

People here are not for completely banning all cars, but for reducing the use of private cars. I personally don't think personal cars have a place in society (outside a couple of edge cases) and that we should start phasing them out. Other people just want better alternatives. I don't think I've ever seen anyone argue that disabled people, who need a car to get around should not be allowed to have one, or that we should ban taxis and moving companies from using cars.

I think that would be a very difficult trip to make without a car, but you could easily make that trip without a private car, especially in a society where that is the norm. You could either rent a car for a day or two, or use some kind of moving/transport/taxi service to get around.

Another perspective is that society would look different if is wasn't the norm to use cars to get around, and maybe you wouldn't need to travel as far to get to your local shows. I know nothing about showing dogs but I've grown up with ponies in my backyard, and from my childhood home (in the middle of nowhere by Danish standards) I could walk to a couple of horse camps and shows per year. Within an hours drive there was plenty to do, every weekend. We just kept our ponies as pets/lawn movers and took them camping or to a 4H show once in a while, and we rarely needed a trailer or even a car for that. When we did need a trailer, we would rent one at the local gas station or hitch a ride with someone.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

I think school/work days would be shorter and more intense. Small talk and chit chat would not be an integrated part of a work/school day, but instead something that happened before or after school/work if you wanted to. A meeting wouldn't start with 10 minutes of "how have you been?" or random jokes, but instead jump right into business. Working from home would also be more common.

Having a niche hobby or working with something niche would be way more common, and hobbies would be viewed as more important than they are today. People without any hobbies or interests would be viewed as really weird.

Practical and comfortable clothes would also be more common, and fashion would be more erratic/varied. Pop culture would be less of a thing.

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