
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (1 children)

I mean....I'm pushing middle age and can't name one Taylor Swift song. If four songs were played, and 3 of them were Swift's, I'd still probably not be able to pick it out.

Nothing against her or the genre of music, just has never seemed like it would be my cup of tea.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 hours ago

I'd have got 100%, but I misread the date on the first one.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago (5 children)
[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 day ago

Right? For someone who doesn't know about things and has never heard of people, he sure does never shut up about them.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

But exceptionally, I’ve heard that a PV can directly power a compressor with no middleware.

I don' t think I've ever heard or read that about compressors. I also know that brownouts aren't good for them since they have to work harder by pulling more current to compensate for the reduced voltage. That causes them to run hotter. It's also not taking into account any controller electronics that may be in the mix which are also sensitive. Granted, this is all based on knowledge from refrigerators, but the components are basically the same.

However, I have read people running the electric heating elements in hot water heaters directly from PV, either directly or as a dump load. If I recall, the thing to watch out for with that is the thermostat; they're not made for DC and can fail to work properly. Not sure what the fix is for that (possibly replace it with one rated for a larger AC current, but I don't recall).

The electric elements are just "dumb" resistance loads and generally don't care what kind of power goes into them. Compressors are quite a bit more complex, so I'd be wary about feeding them anything but the "type" of power they expect.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Genuine question: what's the success rate of catching and prosecuting people who make these kinds of threats?

I'm guessing it's either nearly 100% or depressingly low but nowhere in between.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (2 children)

That's...not wrong. And I see where you're coming from.

But they'd end up spending 24/7 coverage just debunking that shit because it's coming out like a fire hose every time he's on camera or taking a shit (because what he craps out on social media also gets news coverage).

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the day the news isn't dominated by this orange turd (except maybe coverage of his sentencing or something) Mid 2021 was kind of a preview of that, but once our 3 year election cycle kicked back in, there he was again all day, every day.

Maybe they could do a weekly Trump bullshit fact check wrap up instead or something?

Regardless, I agree with them not airing the live feed/coverage, but I can agree with you that the overall behavior should be highlighted in some way.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

That's not total in the US, just how many this partnership is deploying.

Not saying we don't need to step the game up, but there are other investments doing this similtaneously as well, including federal money for additional EV charger deployments.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

I won't necessarily say it's that.

There are two main crowds when it comes to Trump coverage:

  1. Why give airtime to those lies and nonsense?
  2. Why aren't you covering his lies and nonsense?

Literally no way to make both of those groups happy, lol.

When it's just him spouting off lies, conspiracies, and hate, I say give him as little coverage as possible. The people voting for him don't care or want that, and the "undecideds" at this point are either just attention-seekers or too ignorant for any additional coverage to get through their thick skulls.

The only people who don't know what Trump's about by now would have to have been cryogenically frozen or in a coma since 2014, and I don't think that's a large enough voting demographic to really worry about.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

At the time of publication, the post had more than 2,700 likes.

Which were probably like 12 hillbillies and 2688 Russian bots.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yeah, it is very ridiculous. When I check out at the grocery store, I don't think the cashier is an extra hard worker because they're standing. I just think corporate is a bunch of d-bags for pointlessly making them stand.

I refuse to use the self-checkouts because they treat you like a thief and are extremely frustrating. Will keep that rant to myself, but it's a doozy lol.

[–] [email protected] 39 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Among other reasons Aldi is pretty great, they let their cashiers sit.


General Motors is joining forces with EVgo, one of the biggest electric vehicle charging operators in the United States, to build 400 ultra-fast DC chargers nationwide to support the growing number of battery-powered cars hitting U.S. roads.

To be clear, these are individual stalls, not charging stations. However, the two companies describe the new locations as “flagship destinations” which will feature 350-kilowatt DC chargers, ample lighting, canopies, pull-through spots and security cameras.

Most locations will feature up to 20 ultra-fast charging stalls, but some will have even more–good news for those crowded holiday road trips. GM and EVgo said the fancy new stations would be located near shopping areas offering dining, coffee shops and other amenities.

Microsoft’s Hypocrisy on AI (
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Note: Link is a gift article.

Microsoft executives have been thinking lately about the end of the world. In a white paper published late last year, Brad Smith, the company's vice chair and president, and Melanie Nakagawa, its chief sustainability officer, described a "planetary crisis" that AI could help solve. Imagine an AI-assisted tool that helps reduce food waste, to name one example from the document, or some future technology that could "expedite decarbonization" by using AI to invent new designs for green tech.

But as Microsoft attempts to buoy its reputation as an AI leader in climate innovation, the company is also selling its AI to fossil-fuel companies. Hundreds of pages of internal documents I've obtained, plus interviews I've conducted over the past year with 15 current and former employees and executives, show that the tech giant has sought to market the technology to companies such as ExxonMobil and Chevron as a powerful tool for finding and developing new oil and gas reserves and maximizing their production -- all while publicly committing to dramatically reduce emissions.

Although tech companies have long done business with the fossil-fuel industry, Microsoft's case is notable. It demonstrates how the AI boom contributes to one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today -- despite the fact that the technology is often lauded for its supposed potential to improve our world, as when Sam Altman testified to Congress that it could address issues such as "climate change and curing cancer." These deals also show how Microsoft can use the vagaries of AI to talk out of both sides of its mouth, courting the fossil-fuel industry while asserting its environmental bona fides. (Many of the documents I viewed have been submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission as part of a whistleblower complaint alleging that the company has omitted from public disclosures "the serious climate and environmental harms caused by the technology it provides to the fossil fuel industry," arguing that the information is of material and financial importance to investors.

Story continues...


Over the past 5-6 months, I've been noticing a lot of new accounts spinning up that look like this format:


What are they doing?

They're boosting and/or downvoting mostly, if not exclusively, US news and politics posts/comments to fit their agenda.

Edit: Could also be manipulating other regional news/politics, but my instance is regional and doesn't subscribe to those which limits my visibility into the overall manipulation patterns.

What do these have in common?

  1. Most are on instances that have signups without applications (I'm guessing the few that are on instances with applications may be from before those were enabled since those are several months old, but just a guess; they could have easily just applied and been approved.)
  2. Most are random 8-character usernames (occasionally 7 or 9 characters)
  3. Most have a common set of users they're upvoting and/or downvoting consistently
  4. No posts/comments
  5. No avatar or bio (that's pretty common in general, but combine it with the other common attributes)
  6. Update: Have had several anonymous reports (thanks!) that these users are registering with an email address which is a throwaway email service.

What can you, as an instance admin, do?

Keep an eye on new registrations to your instance. If you see any that fit this pattern, pick a few (and a few off this list) and see if they're voting along the same lines. You can also look in the login_token table to see if there is IP address overlap with other users on your instance and/or any other of these kinds of accounts.

You can also check the local_user table to see if the email addresses are from the same provider (not a guaranteed way to match them, but it can be a clue) or if they're they same email address using plus-addressing (e.g. [email protected], [email protected], etc).

Why are they doing this?

Your guess is as good as mine, but US elections are in a few months, and I highly suspect some kind of interference campaign based on the volume of these that are being spun up and the content that's being manipulated. That, or someone, possibly even a ghost or an alien life form, really wants the impression of public opinion being on their side. Just because I don't know exactly why doesn't mean that something fishy isn't happening that other admins should be aware of.

Who are the known culprits?

These are ones fitting that pattern which have been identified. There are certainly more, but these have been positively identified. Some were omitted since they were more garden-variety "to win an argument" style manipulation.

These all seem to be part of a campaign. This list is by no means comprehensive, and if there are any false positives, I do apologize. I've tried to separate out the "garden variety" type from the ones suspected of being part of a campaign, but may have missed some.

Edit: If you see anyone from your instance on here, please please please verify before taking any action. I'm only able to cross-check these against the content my instance is aware of.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

2x10 - Cold Fire


How to Play

The rules for each round are below. Calculation and reporting of scores is on the honor system.

Rules for Round 1

Example of the Format

  1. You will need to find the connection between the 4 clues. Each clue is revealed by opening the spoiler tags in the post for each.
  2. You get one guess, and the goal is to use as few clues as possible.
  3. Clues are given out one at a time, and you should only reveal the next clue if you cannot make the connection with the clues given so far.
  4. Each additional clue reduces the points earned to the value indicated above it. e.g. if you get the answer after the third clue is revealed, you will receive only two points.
  5. The later clues are usually easier to reveal the connection with the last clue sometimes being obvious.

Rules for Round 2

  1. In this round, each set of four clues forms a sequence. Up to three clues can be revealed, and you are responsible for determining the last clue in the sequence.
  2. As before, clues are revealed one at a time, and the goal is to correctly identify the last item in the sequence using as few clues as possible.
  3. A bonus point is awarded for correctly identifying the connection between the items in the completed sequence .

Round 1: Find the Connection

Clue 1 (5 points)

Clue 2 (3 points)

Clue 3 (2 points)

Clue 4 (1 points)


Round 2: Find the Fourth in the Sequence

Clue 1 (5 points)

Clue 2 (3 points)

Clue 3 (2 points)

Answer (0 points)

Bonus Connection Answer (add +1 to your score if you got it correct)


The spacecraft uses its thrusters to stay pointed at Earth, but after 47 years in space some of the fuel tubes have become clogged.

Engineers working on NASA’s Voyager 1 probe have successfully mitigated an issue with the spacecraft’s thrusters, which keep the distant explorer pointed at Earth so that it can receive commands, send engineering data, and provide the unique science data it is gathering.

After 47 years, a fuel tube inside the thrusters has become clogged with silicon dioxide, a byproduct that appears with age from a rubber diaphragm in the spacecraft’s fuel tank. The clogging reduces how efficiently the thrusters can generate force. After weeks of careful planning, the team switched the spacecraft to a different set of thrusters.

The thrusters are fueled by liquid hydrazine, which is turned into gases and released in tens-of-milliseconds-long puffs to gently tilt the spacecraft’s antenna toward Earth. If the clogged thruster were healthy it would need to conduct about 40 of these short pulses per day.

Both Voyager probes feature three sets, or branches, of thrusters: two sets of attitude propulsion thrusters and one set of trajectory correction maneuver thrusters. During the mission’s planetary flybys, both types of thrusters were used for different purposes. But as Voyager 1 travels on an unchanging path out of the solar system, its thruster needs are simpler, and either thruster branch can be used to point the spacecraft at Earth.

In 2002 the mission’s engineering team, based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, noticed some fuel tubes in the attitude propulsion thruster branch being used for pointing were clogging, so the team switched to the second branch. When that branch showed signs of clogging in 2018, the team switched to the trajectory correction maneuver thrusters and have been using that branch since then.

Now those trajectory correction thruster tubes are even more clogged than the original branches were when the team swapped them in 2018. The clogged tubes are located inside the thrusters and direct fuel to the catalyst beds, where it is turned into gases. (These are different than the fuel tubes that send hydrazine to the thrusters.) Where the tube opening was originally only 0.01 inches (0.25 millimeters) in diameter, the clogging has reduced it to 0.0015 inches (0.035 mm), or about half the width of a human hair. As a result, the team needed to switch back to one of the attitude propulsion thruster branches.


Android updates are undergoing a revolution as we speak. Is it a positive thing, though? We will see. Google’s focus on N+3 for everyone might make it more common for OEMs to provide 2 or 3 platform updates, but on the other hand, in the cases where they want to provide more updates than it’s expected of them it gets way more complicated than before. It might also cause a feature stagnation, stripping users of useful improvements.Where is Google leading us? I don’t know, but I think we will find out very soon.

I was doing some research on putting a custom GSI ROM on an older device and stumbled on this article. It's from 2022, but should still be accurate.

If you've ever wondered about how Android updates work and why some devices seemingly have arbitrary cutoff points for updates, this article explains why.

I won't spoil the read, but things are actually better than they used to be with one glaring regression in the form of GRF (Google Requirement Freeze)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since most people didn't hate the pilot episode, I put together a second. Both rounds are in the same post this time.

How to Play

The rules for each round are below. Calculation and reporting of scores is on the honor system.

Rules for Round 1

Example of the Format

  1. You will need to find the connection between the 4 clues. Each clue is revealed by opening the spoiler tags in the post for each.
  2. You get one guess, and the goal is to use as few clues as possible.
  3. Clues are given out one at a time, and you should only reveal the next clue if you cannot make the connection with the clues given so far.
  4. Each additional clue reduces the points earned to the value indicated above it. e.g. if you get the answer after the third clue is revealed, you will receive only two points.
  5. The later clues are usually easier to reveal the connection with the last clue sometimes being obvious.

Rules for Round 2

  1. In this round, each set of four clues forms a sequence. Up to three clues can be revealed, and you are responsible for determining the last clue in the sequence.
  2. As before, clues are revealed one at a time, and the goal is to correctly identify the last item in the sequence using as few clues as possible.
  3. A bonus point is awarded for correctly identifying the connection between the items in the completed sequence .

Round 1: Find the Connection

Clue 1 (5 points)

Clue 2 (3 points)

Clue 3 (2 points)

Clue 4 (1 points)


Round 2: Find the Fourth in the Sequence

Clue 1 (5 points)

Clue 2 (3 points)

Clue 3 (2 points)

Answer (0 points)

Bonus Connection Answer (add +1 to your score if you got it correct)


This is the second round of Trek Connect. If you missed the first round, it's here

How to Play Round 2

  1. In this round, each set of four clues forms a sequence. Up to three clues can be revealed, and you are responsible for determining the last item in the sequence.
  2. As before, clues are revealed one at a time, and the goal is to correctly identify the last item in the sequence using as few clues as possible.
  3. A bonus point is awarded for correctly identifying the connection between the items in the completed sequence .
  4. Also as before, scoring is on the honor system.


Clue 1 (5 points)

Clue 2 (3 points)

Clue 3 (2 points)

Answer (0 points)

Bonus Connection Answer (add +1 to your score if you got it correct)


Not sure how familiar Lemmy is with the game show Only Connect, but I'll try to simplify the rules and adapt them to the limitations of the medium here.

Example of the Format

How to Play

  1. You will need to find the connection between the 4 clues. The first clue is in the post image, and the remaining three are in spoilers below.
  2. You get one guess, and the goal is to use as few clues as possible.
  3. Clues are given out one at a time, and you should only reveal the next clue if you cannot make the connection with the clues given so far.
  4. Each additional clue reduces the points earned to the value indicated above it. e.g. if you get the answer after the third clue is revealed, you will receive only two points.
  5. The later clues are usually easier to reveal the connection with the last clue sometimes being obvious.
  6. You are on the honor system to report your score.

The first clue is in the post image and is worth 5 points if you can guess the connection with just that one.

Hopefully this post doesn't earn me a cease and desist from the BBC lol.


Clue #2 (3 points)

Clue #3 (2 points)

Clue #4 (1 point)

Give up? Solution (0 points)The only four characters to appear in all of the TNG era Star Trek series set in the 24th century.

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