Hi, I'm the United States, and this is Jackass.
Proceeds to fly planes into crowds.
Hi, I'm the United States, and this is Jackass.
Proceeds to fly planes into crowds.
Probably not anymore
This... Is a very good point.
The fuck is with all these posts lately of gross age differences in couples like this.
Believe it or not, I have a bear guy.
What he does with them? I don't really wanna know.
Edit: he does eat them, and apparently the pelts make awesome rugs but are a bit scratchy
Find a different career choice!
Software development is all stress all the time and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I really don't think this much stress at 34 is healthy even with the salary
Im not trans. And I had no idea there was trans coded language which is pretty fucking cool.
Encoded question? Never. It just seemed to be useful context to ask this sort of question.
From what I know about Walz, he'll say something like this:
"Back when I was a teacher, we had a very well defined protocol for dealing with troublesome students like this. Kids do and say stupid stuff all the time. Threats aren't tolerated, but if the threat is something that won't really have an effect the response is simple: ok, do it. Otherwise we ignore them and they usually get bored or angrier to really get themselves in trouble."
So guys, unrelated question.
Say I have a bear that isn't a protected species that wanders around the area. Say I'm a lot of bit nervous of this bear destroying stuff towards the edge of my property, but my property edge is pretty damn far.
What kind of equipment would I need to take care of this bear, if the agencies and law enforcement wont do anything to protect me or my vulnerable neighbors from this bear?
It does make sense. As much as I hate it, Fascism loathes bureaucracy as a concept because it doesn't automatically grant them power to do whatever they want.
Interesting to see how valuable employees are isn't it