"Vive le roi" eh?
I refuse.
Vive la révolution
"Vive le roi" eh?
I refuse.
Vive la révolution
~~That's odd. It doesn't show on his feed. The link shows it, but it's not on his feed at all.~~
Edit: Hes trolling lmfao
Maybe went a bit too far, but he's definitely trolling.
I want to point out - the results are inadmissible, but anything you say IS admissable.
A polygraph is an interrogation technique. And to this day I still don't know why they try to use it with so many things. Like security clearance. It doesn't really give them any insight into anything about you, other than if you like to run your mouth
I still don't get what it is?
It looks like a mix of Oblivion and like Dishonored with no explanation of it's progression system
It's like somewhere in the grapevine this dude found out I was doing financially better and right before I am able to afford nice things I've worked toward he's like "lol fuck you in particular"
18 year old me did have more hair on his head and had a far better beard.
I guess it's stairs for me.
One of these days those stairs are going to make me remember I'm in my 30s I just know it.
I'm not letting my kid grow up to be a Nazi. Not without a fight.
The education system here might be crap, but it did do an effective job at showing me the significant damage a few can do, but also showed me the overwhelming power of the many.
Man, I was married for a decade, together for longer, and I was absolutely devastated.
But I don't want to strip women (or other people) of rights and start a genocide.
Theres something else far more wrong with them, and I think it involves money
A bunch of people who fucked around bout to find out