I like your idea, but it just brings to mind how fragile all of our digital media is, not to mention the surrounding tech necessary to read and understand it. What we know works is to press your message to the future, grocery bill, whatever, into clay and then accidentally burn the city down around it -- good for millennia.
I wonder if it would take more or less time with auto-complete.
Maybe just an awkward sales agent, or they thought you were mad at them for in their mind trying to help. I decline phone number and zip code all the time. Also been using someone else's phone number at grocery stores for years -- started by mistake. I don't care about accumulated points or whatever but discounts at grocery store are pretty significant for me.
But I understand your frustration in general. Keep up the good fight :)
Doctors put him on a dose of 100 milligrams of vitamin C per day, as well as folic acid and multivitamins.
"He also started eating a lemon daily,"
Makes my teeth hurt
Corn, hush puppies, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes -- insane dinner. All yellow.
I've used this giorgio regni app on Android for years with various random earbuds.
The only option on its menu that reliably does anything for me is called "morphine pain killer", but it was a game changer for me for incapacitating sea sickness (believe me I had tried so many things I don't think I had any placebo potential left). On land, I've found it effective for post surgery pain, nerve pain, and even the odd depressive crying jag. I guess at this point I'm a believer so I'd be curious to know what effect it has on a "fresh" patient. I don't think I've tried it just for kicks, though, so not sure what you'll notice if you're already feeling ok.
Not much has changed, yet. Twenty years from now they might need to change the team logo. For me the whole dicks and pussies spiel is still resonating.
It's an interesting comparison because it seems to me dueling comes from times and places where personal reputation was much more important to life destiny than now due to a lack of protective legal and other institutional infrastructure that dampens the risks in living and working with strangers.
So maybe any rising sensitivity in the present is due to the feeling that this infrastructure is weakened.