
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I’m pretty sure it’s not a premonition lmao

[–] [email protected] 19 points 18 hours ago

Then the state comes in to make sure there are piranhas at the other end

[–] [email protected] 38 points 18 hours ago

Jokes written on the walls of hell

[–] [email protected] 2 points 20 hours ago

Sorry comrades just feeling down on it

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I just don’t think hegemony is binary like that. I’d say it’s fought for, achieved, maintained, and then fought to preserve until you can say there is no more unipolarity. I don’t think Ukraine losing would bring multipolarity yet imo

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 day ago (10 children)

So I guess it’s safe to say Iran just isn’t going to respond to the assassinations after all. The response being letting Israel slowly crack on its own. Doesn’t seem like the US will let it come apart though. I feel like hearing Kamala say there will be no change in policy should be good enough for them to see that writing on their own wall. Can’t lose sight that Palestinians are dying and being tortured every single day. When will it be too late to meaningfully respond regardless

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Personally I define the end of hegemony as the end of it, instead of the beginning of the meaningful decline

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 day ago (9 children)

They will lose, and no it won’t

[–] [email protected] 63 points 2 days ago (1 children)

We must defend le democracy

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 days ago

So baffling!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

“Hey we really need to spice up this message so it’s not just an all white piece of paper. Any ideas?”

[–] [email protected] 46 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Did he confuse Maduro for Lula?


My partner and I have a short break next week and some credit card points so we decided to go to Chicago since we’ve never been. Totally forgot the DNC is happening at the same time. We’ve already booked flights and hotel and stuff damn it. At least if something funny happens I’ll be there for the history of it.

Any recommendations for things to do/see in Chicago? Also I’m hoping there are some Gaza protests we can join, anyone know of any going on?


Imperial Olympic grandeur, but as vacant nostalgia. Israeli economy crashing. Trump backed in a corner. Sahel states uniting. Commercial real estate crisis reaching terminus. Ukraine about to cede. Polish EU infighting. Chinese Thorium reactor beginning construction. Record breaking global heat averages. Argentinian economy in free fall. Covid surging. Personal credit debt at record high. General strikes planned in various countries. Idk, a number of things. Just feels like there are a lot of fast moving trains at different angles that are crashing into one another, and those bundles are about to collectively crash into each other. Are we on the station, in the train, or at the cliff?


Looking for opinions on what I should do about this. So I have a sort of working relationship with my mom that we just don’t talk about political things. She’ll try to but I’ll just shut her down. I have to, she got deep into Q and Great Reset stuff, very big on MAGA, space lasers and antifa creating forest fires, pizza gate, energy frequencies, etc, like all the insane conspiracy grifts from the last 8 years she’s gone into.

This past year she’s gotten very involved in South Carolina politics, and now she’s apparently going to be a delegate for her district or whatever at the RNC this July in Milwaukee.

On the one hand, her being a delegate doesn’t change anything, and like at the end of the day it doesn’t seem to really matter. But on the other hand, she is going beyond just having far right opinions about things and is actively participating in an evil political process to do evil things.

Should I just brush this off? Does this even matter? Or should I tell her this is a shitty thing to do? There isn’t a single thing I could say that would make an impact on her. Her far right Christian Nationalist identity is seared so deeply into her bones and baked with layers of unresolved trauma that she is literally too far gone, and confronting her would be a huge argument like always. But keeping the status quo with her and just pretending she isn’t going to do this at the RNC feels like I’m rolling over on my values. Idk what to do


I may have a website project at work coming up where I might be having to work with a tribal police department of an indigenous tribe to “present themselves in a better way.” My gut reaction is absolutely not, I don’t want to be part of helping an PR initiative of an oppressive institution. But I don’t actually know much about tribal police and how they may differ. US police of course serve the role of capitalist spearhead against those affected by the consequences of capitalism. Do tribal police serve the same role, but just specific to indigenous tribes? My assumption was they’re a settler colonial institution imported to tribal groups as a means of control and conditioning. But is that true? Or are they more integrated into their communities and don’t really serve as a capitalist vanguard because of the unique material conditions etc of indigenous tribes? How should I feel about working with them?


in order to paint him as the almost sole driver of this illogical backing of Israel, similar to the way that centrists are trying to paint Netenyahu as the sole maniacal driver on the Israeli side (Israel is fine guys Netenyahu is just a crazy right winger guys, it’s like if Trump was in office, it’s not them guys come on).

Idk, I’m seeing more and more articles and podcasts lately really pinning things on Biden. Talking about him as this shameless lifelong Zionist who is going out of his way to propel this thing on his own, despite some sort of assumed silent administrative majority who apparently doesn’t want this. And like, Biden is a lifelong Zionist, that’s true. But it feels like an attempt to start the process of detaching Biden as a driving actor of the genocide from the Democratic Party and even the US apparatus more broadly, as a way of like setting the stage to salvage these institutions.

I’m seeing this sudden creep of perspective mostly from left/leftish sources though. Not exclusively. But it’s a little surprising.

Am I imagining this? Anyone else seeing this happen? Is Biden really exerting an undue influence on this situation that another steward of US hegemony in a moment of decline wouldn’t? Or is this a legitimate analysis of the situation, and the creep of perspective is actually a step in the right direction. What is going on

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They’re fucking passive. They should directly implicate the US. Instead of “We are on unceded land of the Salish people” we should say “The US government stole this land from the Salish people and genocided their tribe”


Literally felt like I was in Righteous Gemstones lmao a whole squad of like 30 middle aged dudes turned a corner chanting “Jesus” with a sort of protest cadence and carrying a cross. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while


Boy do I have a trusted news source for you


My partner and I have about 60k in student loans and haven’t been paying even though they started back in October. I’m waiting to see if maybe we just shouldn’t. I remember there being chatter about how Nelnet and other loan holders had like laid off a bunch of people during the pause and hadn’t hired them back, and the system is overloaded and fucked, and how are people suddenly going to pay a big monthly expense anyway, etc etc. But if people were to not pay them, I feel like the media would not want to perpetuate that narrative and build it into something real by spreading the word so to speak. So I don’t know if there’s a way to gauge is people are actually paying them? Does anyone know?


Any recommendations for cool things to do in the next three days

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