Late May
Short TSLA.
Puts at 170 will pay out very nicely.
Well ya know, that can be the case. Close family or social gathering? Yeah, it's a tiered process inching towards the door and taking 20 minutes to put on a jacket standing in the entryway/mudroom.
Your co-workers dinner party and it's round 8pm and nobody's brought out the pie and coffee? "Whelp. I'll be seeing ya"
SpaceX and Starlink next. I'm tired of funding his bullshit with my tax dollars.
Give a month will yah? I got puts at 170
I'm lucky to have only had one system nuked by a faulty power supply that shut down during a kernel update.
I usually just reinstalled back then. But I didn't get into it till the late nineties. Back when Ian was still on the list serves.
Unless you mean nuking the OS or borking the bootloader. Then yeah, countless.
Just break the windo.....oh right
News should be factual. It's the opinion pieces being treated as articles that got us into this mess in the first place.
Read the AP wire about a story, then see how CNBC covers the story and compare it to Fox's coverage. You'll find that more often than not you have to look at both stories to get the full picture.
I just use an RSS reader to get most my news. The only long form stuff I read now are exceedingly specific substacks (soon to switch to Ghost) and anything Pro Publica put out.
A slightly too long "Hmmmmm, so it is then" is also acceptable.
Still my favorite MN colloquialism is Slaps hands down on thighs and stands up "Whelp Ok then." And then without pretense or hubub, leaving the place immediately.
Almost as good as the Irish goodbye which is a massive favorite if mine.
This could be pointed to as a successful teat case to get the gov off it's ass and implement this at a macro level.
You are correct millionaires will not save us, however we should reward behavior we want to see. Lest we get more billionaires who are a net drag on society.