
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago

no but see it's not propaganda if it validates my worldview.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago

because capitalism needs to function like cancer. shit's built on old imperialist logics, where you must always be claiming more. red queen's race bullshit. or cancer; pick your metaphor.

it must be profitable because while productivity increases, due to imperial conquest and advancing technology, the profits of the owning classes (remember; this is the literal definition of capitalism-value being produced by owners rather than workers. yes it's insane, they are insane, this system is insane.) must also increase.

the fact the working class have no more to squeeze from just means we get closer and closer to slaves, which is maybe intentional, maybe just a cool bonus for them.

there's a cool poem that explains it. check out part 2

[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

it was a response to someone saying vandalism isn't nice.

and to be fair; they are nazi not-so-dog-anymore-whistle cars.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

tbf those are just as prevalent.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

love your username.

but yes, there is no wealth on this magnitude without pillaging the world others have built, tearing out the wiring, and selling it for scrap. they can only destroy. the creative urge is, as they say, also a destructive urge. more true for capitalists than most.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

cheaper than nasa could

no. they just got more funding and violated a bunch of environmental rules that NASA had to follow, because funding to efficient government programs is threadbare, and funding to military or subsidies of those deemed the beneficiaries of our society.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

nope, never. they might also have some small commercial contracts, but none of it works without government subsidies.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

no, and they're eager to, but I think if they ever tried to not, things would go badly. that's bad for the market and drives down everyone elses profits. there would be a lot of solidarity against them by the class of people that own the police.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

capitalism is the idea that value comes from ownership, rather than labor. landlording is just the purest expression of capitalism.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (3 children)

kill everyone in valhalla and then

isn't that kind of the whole vibe? that's just, like, every day there right?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

why the hell didn't you vote for delacruz? she's electable if you vote for her. maybe you should have fallen in line and sided with the people you claim are your natural god damn allies after your candidate went obviously senile and clearly couldn't win?

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