Disney se gave, je ne vois pas comment apprécier sa visite dans des conditions comme sur la photo.
I think we should have magic, he stopped working too soon.
My mind process: "oh it's... No it must be her knees, I have been tricked before... Wait here are her legs, holy tits !"
For sloth, the dude worked for one week and didn't do squat after that.
I would be more interested to know if you can generate/copy a certificate to make any cartridge dump work without a need to find a certificate for said game. The other interesting thing is considering switch 2 will be retrocompatible, mig switch will probably/maybe work on it while waiting for an exploit. The question considering that the launch is probably in less than a year, can they do something about it and did they intend to do something different for switch 2 exclusives in terms of cartridge technology...
Would be interested about the fake certificate things, do you have some sources or info ?
Fume Knight says hi. At the end I near perfected him but damn that took me a long time. Orphan of kos is a never again situation for me though.
Fuck Facebook indeed, but you will find that Sony can sell your data too, but as it is wired, I guess they will have less of it...
He may be a billionaire but he didn't have one cent of respect for anyone his entire life.
What if Kevin spacey was living inside your house, hidden in a secret ~~~~underground bunker and eating your foot during the night ?!
YouTube faces and click bait titles invention are one of the darkest hours of the internet. I get it, it gets more clicks and views, but that is so cringe.