😘 💕
Got Covid, so 5 more days to go at least... 😅
You probably know this one, Bandar Sunway is named after Sungai Way.
Heh, yeah. Most random lightbulb moment.
That's what she said. But yeah, there's no one there. I was doing my best John Travolta impression.
Very cyberpunk ish actually. Cue the synthwave music.
In and out in 5 minutes, and I'm done voting.
Well, Murata just revive a waifu
So bunch of assholes have been stealing durians and other produce from my family's backyard farm and yesterday has the audacity to shout at my family when we caught them in the act. Daring us to call the police. And they injured my dog indirectly.
By definition, first place is the house and 2nd place is the workplace. So your family and workplace whatsapp group perhaps?
I think I haven't comment here for a year already