TIL Russia's war in Ukraine is as bloody as WW2
Jesus fuck what finally killed it?
How dare they do something if they can't do everything‽
Especially with something so minor in our lives as eating
Everyone that has read the book understand that it is attacking fascism.
Never explained what makes a wizard powerful other than "they learned a lot of spells"
This obviously relates to the amount of midi-chlorians the wizard have
Kind of different situation though. Slovakia hasn't been subject to the democratic backsliding as Hungary as far as I know and doesn't violate EU values or norms. So far the prime minister is just a tool
Soldiers very much look through your data. When reports could still make it out from occupied parts of Ukraine there was reports of civilians having their phones checked
Not so sure, they have fallen in line more with the EU after the US went insane
Well good riddance to the backsliding countries who won't adhere to EU values. Close the door when you leave so the rest of us can continue uninterrupted.
Backsliding democracies in the EU wants nothing more than slow action on these types of things
"Give us intelligence or we're giving the Russians a HIMARS when peace is struck"
The US still share these intelligence reports with NATO countries, allowing for the continuation of these reports, just with a middle man. If I have understood it correctly.
I read comics/manga, browse Lemmy and read news mostly, and not in any particular order. Otherwise I do games like Wordle or just look up how to do home projects on YouTube.
So go into learning more about your hobbies?