their problem with punching nazis is how many of their friends would take objection to suddenly being punched mid-conversation
look I know primary-school reading comprehension isn't everyone's favourite class but it shouldn't be too hard to see the vast difference between the sentences "hmm does anyone have a link for some local llm stuff I can run on my own computers?" and "I might maybe want something like this, but defs only if it's local and generally well-behaved and doesn't snitch on me"
and no, you doing a driveby comment while completely misunderstanding context is definitely not the point of this sub. we have stackoverflow at home.
Ad Hominem Academy Emeritus Tour
Feeling decidedly strange to keep having the internet weirdos one’s been keeping a watch on keep coming up in news like this..
I go spend one morning at jobsite and look what I walk back to
not really the place to go post unrequested advertisements
I’ve been running around a hell of a lot the last 2 weeks so I was out of the loop
both of you are not tall enough for this ride
they can, by withdrawing/unpublishing the domain presence from the registry for that zone. this is how expiries work
it seems like you’ve had the joke fly right over your head
but then given your apparent predilection towards wanting outsourced thinking, the notion of using your own head must weigh far too heavy
whew that’s sure a word choice right there
if I ever open a bar, I need to get some of those for the wall