(nevermind them doing the equivalent of rolling into someone else's lounge then stripping down and getting comfortable on the couch, without asking)
istg these people seem to roll "b-b-b-but <saltman|musk|sundar|....> gifted this technology to me personally, how could I possibly look this gift horse in the mouth" on the inside of their heads
did you ask a LLM for a post to make here? that might explain this mess of a comment
they do say that, yes. it’s as bullshit as all the other claims they’ve been making
there’s a lot of people (especially here, but not only here) who have had the insight to see this being the case, but there’s also been a lot of boosters and promptfondlers (ie. people with a vested interest) putting out claims that their precious word vomit machines are actually thinking
so while this may confirm a known doubt, rigorous scientific testing (and disproving) of the claims is nonetheless a good thing
Oh what a sweet, sweet tune to end a Sunday to
holy shit this sounds like an amazing plugin
yes, let's not
"games explained badly, the podcast" sounds like it has phenomenal potential for pissing off just about the entire gamersphere
I'm down
I think he's outright claimed it, but tbh fuck that noise. whether he does or doesn't is of no importance as pertains his continued choice to be a lying abusive extractivist fash-enabling piece of shit
meant for the stubsack?