oh yeah, we all know the impending tax breaks had nothing to do with choosing it
and the school opening wrt announcement timing is pretty damn sus too. wonder if mr shillranivan may have heard some things in advance
oh yeah, we all know the impending tax breaks had nothing to do with choosing it
and the school opening wrt announcement timing is pretty damn sus too. wonder if mr shillranivan may have heard some things in advance
let's not valorise people doing bad things, much less them getting paid for it :|
no this was the actual fiat value
the ftx fraud is fucking wild. everything about it is insane.
(at least I think it's that one? one of them's quite the bootlicker. I'm bad at names tho)
anything that makes yglesias have a bad day is generally a good thing
but it sounds like the orange man understands the crypto market perfectly: the numbers are all made up and everyone's lying
dunbar's the one thing that came to mind, yeah
also it's sorta in the ballpark of upper limit for "scramble logistics", things that you need to do very quickly because you suddenly found you didn't have enough $x or need to quickly $y. 150's just about enough to easily fit into handful of boats within a 20~30min, you can get food prepared for that many people within reasonable time, etc
(proximity to main MY/SG cities probably help a lot with this, but also only in a "okay we can do this in an hour" vs "we need a day" way)
ah, doman name sounds like it’s one of the microwork farms
I think it also makes sense to keep in mind that these bayfuckers are extremely brained by the knowledge of how big tiktok etc are presently - platforms that operate as amplifying distributors and enlarge the likelihood of parasocial relationships, as well as that allows someone like themselves to be the bridge troll they wish to be[0]
that they want to encourage it is also not too surprising, because they do not give a shit about the health of their marks
[0] - because again, rent extraction is the only business model they understand
Oh so forest city finally got confirmed? Remarkable
Also, 150? I guess you gotta keep your ~~cult~~ ~~indoctrination camp~~ “experiment” small in the beginning, lest social problems get away from you
(That number also strikes me as curious for another reason, will try word it tomorrow though brain too tired now)
fuck that's gross
where'd you find/run across that? can't tell if it's a normal ad or some gig-site thing or what
same here (re queue)! been a rough couple of weeks, wrapped up ever so nicely by being bed-ridden sick for the last few days -_-
that's obviously a
that had a phenomenal night out, and just found itself greeting the day from a garden somewhere