Got it. If I get some free time I might dig around a bit to learn more as I am not that familiar with Russian politics. Unfortunately as I can’t speak Russian, not sure I’ll find anything worthwhile
Thanks for the resource, the article dates from 1997. Do you have a more recent article on them or would you say not a lot changed inside the party in the past 28 years?
Mélenchon in France and his party is doing a lot of work considering the insanely reactionary politics currently ongoing in his country.
Putin does not only seem to be a capitalist. He's 100% a capitalist, he just happens to be from a country the US hates. More than a capitalist, putin is a reactionary asshole doing exactly the same kind of shit far right politicians in the rest of the world are trying to do, plunder all they can while blaming minorities for it.
Furthermore, I would argue Milei and Trump are not really going against the status quo, they just removed the veneer of "civility" liberals love to tout while doing the same shit.
Thanks for this write up, it actually clarified a lot of things for me, even related to Marxism directly.
I read books slowly to educate myself on this subject but I always struggle to incorporate it in a bigger understanding as I don't have a structured study course helping me link up knowledge of these books between them