
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 32 points 4 hours ago

It just implies it.

The records of what she does, and the performative activism, which takes place entirely and exclusively during presidential election years - that's what shows she isn't putting in the work.

After repeatedly losing in Mass, the only time she runs for anything is for presidential elections. This also demonstrates she isn't putting in the work, or she would have more involvement in more local elections.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 hours ago

That is about the most generic statement possible, with nearly zero knowledge of what I'm doing on yours.

So... What problem? Feel free to enlighten me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago

Yeah, there have definitely been, we'll call them "prominent posters" here who fit the bill.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

Eh, I'd say mostly.

I have one right now that looks at data and says "Hey, this is weird, here are related things that are different when this weird thing happened. Seems like that may be the cause."

Which is pretty well within what they are good at, especially if you are doing the training yourself.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 19 hours ago

Yup totally get it. This is a point far beyond rehabilitation to me, where the only sane solution is to never allow that person to interact with the public again.

I have zero ability to comprehend any of their "reasoning", and even if they change their behavior, I don't see how it could possibly be worth the risk to the public to ever let them be free.

Its just... So far beyond anything understandable to do something like this.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 19 hours ago

Its just your standard rolled oats with the other goodies and your preferred liquid stuck in a jar overnight, ready to go right out of the fridge in the morning.

Personal favorite is cinnamon roll flavored! There are some great recipes out there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (2 children)

Around the time of KIA, the NRA getting money from Russia, the change in T_D from laughing at trump t9 being full maga, the changes to r/conspiracy, etc?

Yeah I think that was the specific influence of a certain former superpower that has spent a few years fighting a few days worth of war, but that's my bit of conspiracy theory. Its just too coincidental (with too many known incidents) for me not to believe its all related.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 21 hours ago (5 children)

Earlier than that actually, by another 10 years, in an event called the Portland Massacre by opponents of changes which dropped the elements of the Dallas Accord. That'd when the takeover occurred, though the takeover began about 10 years before that.

So its effectively been a total shit show for about 30 years by my estimates.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

Unfortunately true. And the reason I personally land with prison is that enough innocent people end up there that I can't support the death penalty. I actually just referenced a convicted murderer just a bit ago, whose conviction was overturned in no small part due to bad police work.

The best prevention, IMO, has nothing to do with the justice system, and a lot note to do with better social services. Counseling before something terrible and irreversible happens, better support for single parents, or even social workers/police/etc doing their job in this case, would have improved things drastically - a little girl would still be alive.

I can't think of a better option than that.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Can someone like that actually be rehabilitated

I doubt it. Which is why I'm a fan of letting them disappear forever in a prison, and never have the opportunity ever again to harm a child.

or can they serve as an example of what happens to monstrous pieces of shit like that?

Also doubt it.

These sort of people will not recognize their own actions as being wrong, and they also wont "learn" from the punishment of others.

So the only thing public torture would do is provide a spectacle for those who enjoy it. It won't deter anything. There used to be public hangings, stocks, etc - which also was not stopping the crimes from happening.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I can see where there could be use... I live in the kind of area where the only path available at certain points is major roads, where going 30mph in a car would be so slow its dangerous.

Being able to hit a higher speed like 50 for a short period, then get off and go back to biking.... That I could see as an appropriate use.

Personally I like the idea of electric, I have a crappy knee so if it hurts randomly (which happens), I basically turn around use one leg to actually pedal. As a result, I'm not doing the rides I used to do, from a 100 mile weekend bit of fun down to around a 10 mile super quick bit of fun. Electric would make me feel comfortable going for longer. Of course, I'm not looking to go 60mph on a bicycle anyway.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'll be candid, I was expecting faster. 30mph is pretty regularly doable on a road bike (obviously not a fatbike, but just talking sharing a lane here), not sustained unless you're riding in the TDF, but as a sprint? Yeah, definitely doable.

Just to be clear I'm not saying it wouldn't be a problem at 30-40mph for these fatbikes, because you're talking about anyone being able to do those speeds, fully sustained for long periods, just that I was expecting even higher from the way it was being described.

At the same time I want one to try out...


TL;DR: Got any of them "banned" book recommendations for kids? We have a 2 1/2yr old and a 6 yr old who love book time

So a recent popular post in politics was about a book that stirred up controversy - My Shadow is Purple, which is the second book in a series (Here's the first).

Local library doesn't have them unfortunately, so I'll be putting in a request (then checking out a local store).

It made me wonder about some other great books out there that more conservative areas might not have. My township is pretty progressive (, but not large, so the school library is only OK. The county library is literally a few blocks away, so no town library. And while amazing as a library, the in-county magas have made the library slow down on some kinds of books. Its ridiculous, but one problem at a time.

So I'm hoping to get some kids books they might not otherwise see, like the My Shadow is Pink/Purple books mentioned, but I don't know what's out there.

Anyone have some favorites to share for the young kids? Looking forward to any ideas!


I got my hands on a Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub 500 - you may have seen these in conference rooms, its a small Teams Room or Zoom Room device, based off their Tiny lineup, with a built-in touch display thats about 11" in diagonal.

I left the 128gb nvme in there for now, and threw Debian 12 on it. Touch worked throughout the installation process, all I did was attach a keyboard, power, and network (along with the thumb drive with netinstall), now installed with KDE.

Considering the specs, the only part I'm surprised works well is the touchscreen, its otherwise just a generic lenovo tiny (which I have several of already, 6th-9th gen, as part of my tiny/mini/micro server stack). I could have chosen a different flavor, but I'm a long, long, loooonngggg time Debain user so its my go-to.

In terms of touch, tap, drag, and long press are all working. Video looks good with the UI set at 125% scaling, and to be candid its rather snappy and responsive.

I did this 100% for my own personal entertainment, so now for some thoughts for the community - what would be fun to use it for? A few of my thoughts....

  • I could use it as a HomeAssistant kiosk. Neat, but.... overkill compared to the tablets doing the same job.
  • Make it an emulation station, attach my steam controller and maybe my usb adapters for N64/GC/Sega/PS/etc.
  • Use it to test a series of distributions to see how well they handle touch drivers for this silly thing (EndeavorOS is probably going to happen, I may be a long time Debian guy but I should spend more regular time in other things, and not just my arch VMs).
  • I don't know, gcompris for my kids? They already have it though on an android tablet and an old mac mini (like, 2011ish) hooked up to the TV in the living room.
  • Make it another proxmox endpoint for the cluster, install a DE anyway, and then let it be an always-visible display for grafana?
  • Install OBS, let the hdmi capture have some purpose?

What about you folks, what would you find fun to do with this box?

eBook Library Structure (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TL;DR: How do you sort your books for your book server?

I'm thinking of reworking my eBook/comic/etc library, and I'm curious how other people structure things.

I don't want to separate fiction out by genre or anything since some can fit multiple genres, so I'm leaning towards Dewey decimal system categories personally.

I'm also planning a bit ahead since my daughter is now starting to read more than sight words books, so I'm thinking of separating kids fiction and adult fiction.

I also currently have a section for comics, manga, and LNs. Those are separated mostly for who goes to what, and what they do/don't want to read. So my library right now (plus the kids section) will look like:

  • Kids Fiction
  • Adult Fiction
  • Comics
  • Manga
  • Light/Web Novels
  • Non-Fiction

Simple for navigation, and searchable, but maybe not the best for browsing. So I was thinking maybe the Dewey categories:

  • Computer Science, Knowledge, and Systems
  • Philosophy & Psychology
  • Social Sciences
  • Language
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Arts
  • Adult Fiction
  • Kids Fiction
  • History/Geography

Nicely browsable, but some of those sections will be really light on books.

What method of sorting do you use? Any librarians out there with thoughts on better approaches than the Dewey decimal system?

EDIT: I really like what @[email protected] mentioned, which I've currently adapted to:

  • Instructional (How-to, manuals, gardening, etc)
  • Tech (Electronics reference materials, programming reference books, etc).
  • Equine (all my wife's horse stuff)
  • Kids Fiction
  • Kids Non-Fiction (I've got some geography books and such my daughter likes, I'm sure it will expand over time)
  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Comics
  • Manga
  • LN/WN

I can easily allow the kids accounts to have access to the Kids section, not include the comics/manga/tech my wife has no interest in, etc.

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