Reminds me of that one essay where they talked about burning oranges to maintain the price
Greatly appreciate your solidarity 🥰
Is it ever? :)
Are there any other good ARM laptops?
Making my own custom Yahoo homepage widget by widget was really fun in 2008 :)
I agree that it's not a very intrusive ad
This is not what I would consider an ad. I also remember seeing it only once
Still working on platniuming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It was pretty good, except for the missing last episode, and certain missions that just feel like they're in the game for no real reason because they don't do much to drive the plot forward
I love the weird sci-fi/supernatural atmosphere it has. The gameplay is fast and smooth, especially once your character has mobility and speed upgrades. It also doesn't have the problem I had with Elden Ring in that it feels like it took forever to travel from place to place in ER. MSGV has much faster movement
Depends which games. I play Metal Gear Solid V, and it works almost flawlessly, aside from minor audio issues when objects in the game world move very fast (using a balloon to forcibly yank a downed enemy out of the combat zone creates a quieter than expected noise)
Other than that, it works very well :)
That thing looks super nice!
Looks vaguely like the older Zunes
I miss when MP3 players were popular. There was a lot more variety in consumer tech before 2013-ish
Alexa makes an excellent weatherperson :)