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[–] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Are you sure? It's not just the seats. If we sum up all the entryways, access corridors, store areas, playing field, locker rooms, office spaces, lounges, rest rooms etc. how much space does each person actually have available in a stadium if distributed equally?

Sure it's not as much as a suburban house, but it might very well be more than a small apartment.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

Google is even worse.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Despite being a shitty president and an overall fool, he actually had a way with words. Remember 2017?

>Former President George W. Bush reportedly thought President Trump’s inauguration speech “was some weird shit.”

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Climate Change: they should clean up as they go. It ought to be part of the production cost.

Immigration: Why aren't the laws enforced? The issue is that employers absolutely do hire unregistered immigrants, otherwise they wouldn't come. Even Trump himself has Mar-a-Lago staffed with illegal immigrants. Either make them legal, or stop the employers from dumping the employment market with "they took our jobs"-employees. It's the most hypocritical thing. It's not complex at all. It's just racist slavery.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Compromise doesn't have to mean giving up on anything. It's more often about finding a middle way solution on an issue that both sides can accept.

This is how I would suggest compromising on each issue without either part giving up on any:

Abortion: Religious people can give up all the rights they want.

Gun control: Ban guns in cities. Allow them in the wilderness.

Climate change: Allow industries to pollute as long as they pay for cleaning it up.

Immigration: The whole thing could be solved by not allowing employers to hire people without their paperwork in order.

Culture wars: The fear is that certain cultures get to control others? Don't allow anyone to force their culture on others.

Trump gets president: Okay, if all power is removed from the position, then he can be the representative of the country. Not a good one but whatever.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Then sit back and film the people returning the carts for the quarter. Put it on YouTube and profit.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I understand Germany tightening their borders, but this is the wrong reasoning and wrong approach. They'll regret it in ten years time.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Øh, jeg ville hellere være barn i dag.

Ikke så meget direkte pga. af budget, men fordi lærerne og pædagogerne i dag er uddannelsesmæssigt milevidt fra det lort vi blev udsat for. Kvaliteten er blevet bedre.

Problemet er at prisen også er faldet...så mens kvaliteten er steget, så er udbuddet også faldet. Som forældre er det det rene lotteri i dag om det er godt eller dårligt.

Jeg har været heldig med mine børns institutioner, men jeg kan desværre også konstatere at det er blevet mere vanskeligt for dem at få kvalificeret arbejdskraft. Min ældste har haft et helt igennem godt forløb, men for den yngste kan jeg simpelthen ikke sige at det godt nok, på trods af at kravene til arbejdskraften kun er steget i mellemtiden. De kan simpelthen ikke finde kvalificeret arbejdskraft.. så jo da, budgettet betyder noget, men hvor skal kvalifikationerne komme fra, når ingen af de kvalificerede gider tage arbejdet?

VIA uddannelsen spyttet flere og flere folk ud, men det er mit indtryk at kvaliteten er dårligere end de forhenværende pædagog uddannede. Niveauet på uddannelserne er dalet for at skubbe flere ud i jobs, og det mærkes.

Overall, så jo, det er bedre end for 30 år siden, men det er dårligere end for 10 år siden, så det er en nedadgående tendens.

Ps. Jeg er ikke uenig med dig. Det burde være blevet bedre. Jeg er bare sur over at det ikke er fortsat i den rigtige retning.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The actual trashcan will survive 1 mm of rain.

Also, this picture of the cybercan really shows the incredibly disgusting design. Nevermind the straight lines and outline, even if it's stupid and all, it is fine, but then look at that unaligned front corner.. god damn that's bad design. It's like two designers were working from the front and the back and had to meet their lines somewhere. It's like a 2D design being transferred to 3D and then instead of looking at the third axis, they just snapped it to fit.

The measurements are completely out of proportion too.

And while I'm at it, those pentagonal angled wheel fenders, it's pretty clear that the designer department hadn't run out of available angles to use. Oh, you're using a palette of angles? Well, here's the wheel fenders going by system default truncated to a pentagon, no or maybe it's a hexagon being cut above the middle. Who cares.. It looks like shit.

Edit: Having looked at the picture twice, I'd appreciate if you could also take a moment to appreciate the design of the trashcan. The slightly angled sides have a purpose. It makes it easier to avoid anything getting stuck when emptied and if fitted with a bag it'd come out without a massive pressure from the vacant air that would be in a fully vertical sided can.

The angles on the top also serves a purpose. It can be accessed from any angle, unlike trashcans that have vertical or horizontal openings. The push opening mechanism simply works better this way and naturally swings back to balance without adding a spring. In case a malicious person were to position trash to obstruct it, it can be pushed from either side and realign after the next user. The only thing I could ask more was if it was round.

Also, the car is not available in Europe. Not for the usual reasons like because of the engine, the weight, the milage or the safety for the driver. No. It was not allowed because the design is shit. It was not approved because its design is unsafe for anyone nearby.

I still feel hurt by just looking at it, but here's the thing: I understand why the designers couldn't make it better... There's no purpose for this car.

How can you design for something that doesn't have a fucking purpose?! Yeah sure we'd all like an electric van, but this is soooo far from fulfilling that purpose. The bed is to too small to carry a fucking Christmas tree. There are already much better electric vans available for less.

The only purpose of the cyberdumb and all of Tesla's vehicles is in the design. Mission Failed.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 week ago (4 children)

That explains Elon Musk. He's a job creator, right? Destroyer of everything.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It also means that the people who do leave the shopping cart in places without the deposit are the kind of cheapskates who can be bought for a euro. They're only neutral evil.

True chaotic evil assholes would pay the deposit on several carts only to leave them.


My neighbours won't appreciate it.

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