
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Its from the microblog side but leaking into lemmy a bit since they mass tag everything they find (which includes lemmy communities)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Yeah theres no content on the landing page other than the sidebar currently

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Theres no comment section on it, theres comments on the mirrored post that gets posted to this community though

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Most things will be posted to meta, exception is things like community showcases which go in the community showcase community. Don't see a reason to separate it out to a new community since there wont really be blog posts outside of talking about our instances

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah this pretty much just took me a couple hours to build. Figured I would try Hugo out and it works pretty well. I have some more hugo sites coming soon (not using papermod though, itll be with hugo book)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Its more prominent on the archive page but I can add it to home

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (6 children)

Currently only uses the score of the last 50 posts and comments the person made since thats public in the API and would still catch the current trolls for now even though its very basic catching

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Its people from here which is people that fit both categories so would say it has some people that do non work programming

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah, we just have less content to pull from so people running into it on google happens less often

As a quick example of a community if you search up Concatenative Programming and scroll down a bit youll see

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

We have a discord and matrix community for Currently there isnt much there in terms of chatting about programming itself (mostly just things happening in the instance and lemmy) but there could be

Was bridged but the bridge broke so theyre temporarily disconnected

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah no issues as long as theres spots for people to feel comfortable posting in and interacting in regardless of activity elsewhere (which are c/programming and c/no_stupid_questions) and which is then supported by the crossposts

Ill try to do a better onboarding system to guide people that way

Ill ramp up my posting speed, been doing some more setup for things in the admin team for the past bit as well as switching which rss reader I use. Expect more activity in the instance the next week

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (14 children)

Growth over time and SEO

It gets a bunch of activity in the larger community while letting the smaller communities grow. People havent been crossposting currently so it hasnt been happening but I can encourage it more

I mean we are a link aggregator. It aggregates links into the communities for people to view. Its been working so far and ive managed to boost a bunch of communities to have a larger amount of active users/month (the last community on page 1 now has 42 users/month rather than before it was 10 users/month at the end of page 1

Federation Updates (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone! Wanted to give a quick update on some federation status with other communities has been defederated from for two main reasons

  • They ignore DMCA requests and dont follow it. We get a copy of all of their posts due to how federation works and since this rule is instance wide it can easily apply to a new community in the future if we purge current ones. We dont have the manpower to handle other instances continually breaking the law and then us needing to deal with that with takedowns

  • They post pornographic content that is illegal / in a gray area in the US that I would rather err on the side of caution in terms of allowing due to things like the PROTECT Act and certain states explicitly banning it themselves


Hexbear defederated from us so to prevent one way conversations I have added them to our blocklist as well. If the hexbear admins decide to unblock us I can do the same and go back to the previous stance of hiding their politics related communities from the all feed once that feature is implemented into the site


There are a couple misc pleroma and mastoton instances that ive added to our blocklist (and there are a couple more I might add soon) that post content that is extremely against our rules. As they arent lemmy instances purging communities isnt an option and its allowed instance wide

if you have other requests of instances that clearly break our rules (you can find them in the site sidebar) feel free to send me them and ill take a look

Programming Horror (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Community currently being moderated temporarily by me

Needs some dedicated mods to manage it

If interested say so below

[Done] RegEx (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Community currently being moderated temporarily by me

Needs some dedicated mods to manage it. Its a low traffic community and most of the posts would be help posts

If interested say so below

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Back with another update on Pangora-UI. Ive been working on adding the community list as well as making the entire thing semi-functional

Ive got some basic functionality in for most things and next up im going to be going through them one at a time and adding in all relevant features starting with the homepage.

I worked on the community list showing all communities in the instance, and all connected instances. This by default has the same information as lemmy-ui but you can toggle columns on and off to tailor it. (For example you can add a column for users/day, remove the comments column, etc.)

Communities will have badges on them if they fulfill certain conditions (top most condition here has priority)

  • New (full star): Communities made in the last week
  • New (half star): Communities made in the last month
  • Active: The top 2.5% communities in terms of subscribers gained in the last day (Maximum 5 chosen in local and 20 in All)
  • Hot: Top 10% of communities in terms of the most recent subscribers relative to their total subscriber amount (Maximum 100 in local, none in all)
  • Top: Top 5% of communities in terms of the most total subscribers (Maximum 100 in local and none in all)

Communities in the list have up to 100 characters of their description so that you can get an idea of what the community is before clicking on it

The list supports infinite scrolling, loading the 50 next communities when you get to the bottom

Community stats are now colored based on how high it is compared to the highest value for that stat. Blue is the highest and it goes down through green to red

Ive cleaned up the theme switching a bit and also added a button for it in the navbar

Communities and their posts can now be viewed (no sorts or pages for now)

Added a little donation area

Added a custom 404 page

Comparison between Pangora-UI and Lemmy-UI

Next up from me will be home page cleanup to fix some issues that have been happening with that and adding in features to it

Progress may be a bit slower from me from now on as university is starting back up but ill share something every week. If anyone else is also interested in contributing let me know. We have a matrix space at


Back with another update on's new frontend thats being built

Have a lot more progress done in terms of post content. Post views are almost done, just need to finish up some more aspects of the comments + add in mod options

New features since my last post

  • Posts can now be viewed
  • Comments are shown when looking at posts

  • If a post has an image, you can click on the thumbnail to get a larger image popup

  • Comments can be collapsed/expanded by clicking on the colored bar on the side (and are automatically collapsed if they have a score of 0 or below). Collapsed comments show the upvotes, the creator, and up to 100 characters of the content

  • Markdown is supported in the sidebar and in messages. This has all of the markdown in lemmy-ui + some extra ones. The extra markdown is: code blocks, latex, table of contents, task lists, and anchors

  • The home page was improved a bit in terms of design and has had trending communities and the sidebar added to it. (The post sorts are still a work in progress hence why they look unfinished + are two different designs)

Here are some comparisons between Pangora-UI and Lemmy-UI!

Pangora-UI Day 2 Progress (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

End of the second day of since ive started working on the pangora UI. Ive for the most part settled on a design and been going through cleaning it up and adding some functionality

Feel free to give some feedback on how you think it looks. The empty space on the right is going to have the trending communities and site information like the mockup I made here

Communities all have a blue purple gradient until I can get community colors into the backend to properly populate that like in my mockup

Things added since my last post:

  • Hotkeys for all elements of the navbar to quickly choose one. (ex. you can hit x to switch to the communities tab without needing to touch your mouse)
  • Popups when you hover over a button on the navbar for a bit explaining what the option is

  • Taglines now populate with the same functionality as lemmy-ui (including markdown)
  • Posts now populate in the feed (but with no parameters yet)
  • Posts animate in when you scroll down to them

  • Light mode with hotkey toggle to toggle between light and dark

Things coming up

Planning to add in the post sorts and add in the sidebar on the right with the trending communities and instance info. Also going to be starting work on being able to view posts.

Planning to get the post feed + post viewing done by the weekend so that the UI can be tested (although youll have to run it locally for now).

Should be getting it up on a domain soon for testing has a soft fork of lemmy that is being developed so that we can focus on things that the instance needs (such as actual code blocks). This will still get changes made to lemmy but just have the new features on top of that. If a feature is general enough to be in lemmy itself we can try to get it pushed upstream.

Originally made this community a bit ago under a different name but after I was informed that the name was already in use brought it back up as Pangora! (hopefully no issues this time) A pangora is a type of moth and its also a combination of the words pangolin and pandora.

Im currently working on improving the instance UI in a repository named pangora-ui. No changes have been pushed yet as im stick mocking up designs with no functionality yet but ill be sharing some progress on that and on changes made to pangora in this community. Pangora-UI is a completely different project from lemmy-ui and its being built using Next.js with typescript, tailwind, NextUI, and Framer Motion

Heres the most recent design ive been working on (still a bit rough but you can get an idea of what im going for):

(That search bar says search comments but can be set to search the different categories like all, communities, users, etc. using the dropdown beside it)

If anyone is interested in helping out with development there is a matrix space for pangora here: . Anyone you can contribute would be extremely helpful as we have nobody doing this full time yet. Even things like giving feedback on designs I send is great so that I can get more feedback on things as im working on it

The pangora github repositories can be found here:

COTW: RegEx (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


The community of the week is [email protected]! This is a community all about regular expressions where you can learn about and get help with them.

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. Theyre usually used for find, or find and replace operations on strings, or for input validation.

If this community interests you feel free to subscribe to it from the community page [email protected]

And feel free to put some content there on regular expressions to get the community going. Its currently at 1 active user per month so lets see if we can bump that up

If anyone wants to be a mod for the community let me know!

c/regex icon


This is a community where you can show off your battlestations! Battlestations are are complete desktop computer setups including desk, mouse, monitor, keyboard, etc.

Heres some examples of some battlestations

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First video of a great series by adamcyounis

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