
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

It hasnt been released yet, still working towards parity (but getting there soon)

The first instance using it will likely be and some other instances will be switching over from lemmy when it hits parity like and

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Theres been a bunch of activity and people joining in in the dev matrix already

Backend pretty much already has parity and the frontend is currently the main thing that an updated demo is waiting on but should be ready really soon

I've been designing an updated home page recently for it that I'll be pushing out this week that looks miles better than lemmy-ui since I could do everything from scratch and thus quickly

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (7 children)

Java spring for backend, Go for federation, Next.js for frontend has the backend with the lemmy-ui frontend to show api compatibility

Task list and progress is public on the github org

Matrix space where all the devs talk is also public and you can see progress talked about in them

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) should have the icon for the project

Once it reaches parity next on the milestones is moderation features and then federation. All of the currently planned tasks are available for viewing on the github

Im still heavily designing a bunch of the UI for sublinks that will eventually be used instead of the current demo (current one is just showing it has lemmy api compatibility) but if you want a very early sneak peek

[–] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (13 children)

In terms of new tech stack currently theres sublinks being made by devs/admins of a bunch of instances (,,, etc.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Alright. Yeah I assume it would mostly be indie game soundtracks which tend to not exist outside of games

Will get that set up in our events community once I'm off work

~~Are vocals required and does it have to be from the past year?~~ edit: read the info post and saw that yeah past year and yes to vocals due to language requirement

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

Would be able to participate or is it mostly oriented around countries/country instances

E.g. entering with songs from games (which usually span multiple countries for the production of them and aren't represented in these types of comps)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Weird, might need to raise that as an issue on the lemmy repo

[–] [email protected] 31 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Only ones left on the 0.18 versions are beehaw and blahaj

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Theres a lot more users that dont even vote as well

For currently we have~ 1.2k MAU. Including people who have an account but dont vote or comment we get closer to 2k. And then including people who dont have an account we get much higher (~ 80k per day but that includes crawlers and bots)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They show up above the posts, below the navbar

A random one is chosen to show up every time someone visits the page. You can check out for some examples of them (usually itll be an http status code or a quote)

Instances either put announcements there (e.g. future downtime), core info (e.g. links to frontends, donate link) or random sentences. Can only be one of the options out of those three though unless you want to delete and remake things a bunch of times to swap between them if you want everyone to see the downtime message

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Current estimation is around 200 dollars a month. All these small sites im spinning up barely add anything since the usage is negligible compared to something like lemmy. The production server takes up most of the costs out of that amount and then sendgrid costs some

Donations cover ~ 41% of that currently

In terms of time its been taking up most of my free time to set all this up + help develop sublinks


Hey everyone, update on

We did some changes in the database and it seems like outbound federation is working again. If you run into any more problems with it let us know.

Im pinning this post for around a day to let everyone know since we had the last post pinned for a bit

Any posts or comments made while it was broken still wont be federated but new ones should be. The instance essentially marked all other instances as dead which meant it thought it didn't have to send things to them


Hey everyone. Currently the instance is being affected by a bug that prevents outbound federation. This seems to have started when the instance upgraded to 0.18.5

Im pinning this post in the instance while it is affected by the bug so everyone is aware as this affects everyone in the instance

Theres an open issue on the lemmy github repository and we are attempting to track down why this is happening and fix it

What the bug means is essentially

  • We still get all posts and comments around the fediverse like normal (so youll see posts made in other communities populate the feeds like normal)
  • Posts and comments made by users in are not visible outside

Hopefully itll be resolved soon. If anyones able to get some info that would be helpful towards resolving the bug throw it here or in the github issue

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone! I'm back from doing things for Ludum Dare and am starting work back up on Pangora.

Spent a bit setting up a backend so I can start implementing some backend features such as flairs and started some progress on the admin settings in Pangora-UI

My current plan is to add two new features onto the backend and then clean up and add everything from lemmy-ui that hasnt been added already to get it ready to be publicly tested. After which will be aimed for a first release


The first feature being added is going to be flairs which is the main thing that ive noticed has been lacking when interacting with lemmy.

Flairs are split up into four different types

  • instance flairs
  • community flairs
  • post flairs
  • user flairs

Instance Flairs

Instance flairs are flairs set on the instance/site level to show what kind of content your instance contains. For example for we can instance tag ourself with programming and mander can tag themselves with science. This can then be shown in the site sidebar and to categorize instances in sites such as .

The instance flairs available will be the same across instances so that a consistent instance flair naming system can be enforced but people can freely request new flairs from the repo if theres one thats missing.

Community Flairs

Community flairs are set on communities to show what kind of content that community contains. These can be created by instance admins and set on a community by community mods

A community flair for might be gamedev (to put on godot, unreal_engine, gamedev_news, play_my_game, etc.)

Post Flairs

Post flairs can be set on posts to categorize posts in a community. In a community about godot some posts may be tagged as help if its a help request, or news if its something such as news from the godot blog.

These flairs can be created by community mods and have a setting to make them either only able to be set by mods or be able to be set by both mods and users.

User Flairs

User flairs are community-specific and can be set on a user in that community. People might add a flair onto themselves if theyre an official developer for a software, or for more cosmetic reasons to theme themselves around the community

Admin Permissions

Second thing I want to add is different permission levels for admins. Currently adding an admin to your site gives them access to basically everything on the site. This can cause issues if you for example only want to add someone who can accept applications but dont want to give them access to causing chaos with your site information.

Entering a new permission system for admins. How this is going to work is new roles are going to be able to be created in the site and set to have different permissions. You can create an accepter role that can only accept applications, an emoji master role that is able to create and delete emojis on the site, an admin trainee role that is able to do most things in the site that can easily be reversed, and a standard admin role that is able to do everything.

Permissions are going to be all booleans and able to be stored in one variable length integer per role with one bit per permission (with the bit set to 1 if that permission is given, and 0 if not)

Admins with the role managing permission are going to be able to create and manage roles below them to add some new ones to the site. Instance owners have every permission by default and are at the highest level in the role chain and this cannot be changed without transferring the site ownership.

Ending Note

Thanks everyone for joining and watching the progress here on pangora! If youre interested in helping out feel free to join the matrix and I can help get you set up with the codebase. . Backend is in rust and frontend is using Next.js with TypeScript

This is something I'm currently working on part time with most of my time going to university (and some time going to gamedev) but as progress is concentrated on a couple features it still should be getting some good amount of development done. Its also downstream from lemmy so any updates and bug fixes the lemmy devs make will also be merged into Pangora to help keep the two as close as possible (and ill be making pull requests into lemmy once flairs and admin permissions are stable for them to accept or not. )

For transparency on who I am. I'm a computer science student in Canada currently mostly doing work in gamedev and webdev. I try to run AMAs every so often here in [email protected] and should be doing another one soon if anyone wants to ask me some questions there. Ive been mostly doing work on managing communities here in the instance but ive been onboarding some new admins and will start mostly working on development of Pangora in the future.


[email protected]

A community for the ludum dare game jam! Feel free to show off your games, discuss, or ask questions about it

Community for it as the event starts in a bit more than 24 hours


Its being run similar to how its been in the last couple events. You can participate in any one of these three formats:

  • The Compo – 48 hour deadline, solo, from scratch (as much as is reasonable), and share your source code. Scored if you give enough feedback.
  • The Jam (recommended for your first time) – 72 hour deadline, solo or team, mostly from scratch, opting out of the Graphics or Audio categories if yours isn’t original. Scored if you give enough feedback.
  • Extra – 3 week deadline, solo or team, mostly from scratch, opting out of the Graphics or Audio categories if yours isn’t original. Take as few or as many days as you need. No score at the end, but you will get feedback if you submit early and give feedback.

Event Details

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pushed an update to to improve various aspects of the instance selector.

Instance Preview

Instead of directly sending someone to an instance it will instead show a preview of the instance so they can see info on it. Info includes:

  • A description of the instance
  • Name & Icon
  • The site administrators (hovering over an avatar gives a popup with info on them)
  • The instance uptime
  • Where the instance is hosted
  • The software and version used for the instance

Theres also a get another site button that pops up if theres more than 1 site for a certain category. When clicked it just gives another one in the category.

Category Shuffling

I changed around the locations of some of the categories and added some new ones. Certain categories will point to general instances until a specific instance is made for that category (but it exists with the general instances for now so I can automate adding stuff to it in the future)

Regions was added as a main category instead of being in other, and crypto and finance was moved into technology.


If theres too many subcategories for a category it now gets split up into different pages. Currently only happens in the regions category and replaces the old behaviour of using an other category to then send people to another section with more

Wanted to do another update before I start focusing a ton on ludum dare. There may be another update that gets pushed recentish to make instance owners be able to add themselves to categories but unknown when that will go out.

If you host an instance and you want it to be listed (and it isnt already) just let me know and ill add it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Everyone! Back with another update on pangora. This week has had a little less progress in terms of pangora-ui and more setting up various other aspects.

Pangora now has a main site at This will be used as the equivalent to and theres going to be a subdomain for testing out pangora-ui once it gets a bit more stable.

On the site currently theres some info about pangora and an instance selector for people to go through to find an instance they want to join. I made it so it sends people more often to what theyre interested in rather than a general purpose instance to help grow the niche instances more

Theres some misc pangora-ui changes but as theyre not big ill hold off on showing them off until the larger feature theyre part of is done

In addition I updated my remindme bot and moved it over to the pangora organization in github. In the future ill be moving the rest of my bots over as well.

Development will likely severely slow down for a bit while I focus on ludum dare and some events after ludum dare but I should be back with another update in a few weeks.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone! I recently finished up an instance selector similar to join-lemmy. There are a couple issues with join-lemmy with it sending the majority of people to the general purpose instances instead of growing the niche instances, as well as giving people way too many options at once which can turn into choice paralysis.

The selector will be the default when people visit the pangora site and people can also use it to select lemmy instances instead of using join-lemmy since im keeping pangora and lemmy as close to each other as possible.

How it works:

  • Users are presented with 10 main categories (technology, sports, art, etc.). They can choose one which will be the category of content they primarily look at
  • ~~If a category has no subcategories they will then be sent to a random instance for that category (e.g. if they choose sports they get sent to fanaticus)~~ Update: If a category has no subcategories they are shown a preview of a random instance for that category (e.g. if they choose sports they get a preview of fanaticus to look at and then possibly click visit)
  • Else if a category has subcategories they are then shown those to pick from (e.g. technology when selected will show programming, radio, etc.) (and when selected repeat previous step)

I added almost every active instance to the site so feel free to use it to check out some other instances for various topics

Hope you enjoy :)

source code:


Hey everyone! The community of the week this week is the science community in the instance!

Similar to how this instance is the instance for programming related topics, mander is the instance for science related topics. It has things like science memes, mychology, archaelogy, etc.

Feel free to check them out if youre interested! Ill likely be showing off some other topic specific instances in the future as well to give them more attention for people to use

[email protected]


Hey everyone! Figured I would do a post about this bot here to get the word out that it exists. I recently brought back online and updated my remindme bot to 1.4 to make it comply with the bot guidelines.

This bot works across the fediverse but is primarily aimed at Pangora, Lemmy, and Kbin communities.

It functions on an allowlist in terms of what communities it participates in so if you want your community to be able to use it put a request by creating an issue in in the repository and itll get added

This bot aims to give people an easy way to remind themselves about an event on the fediverse. For example if theres something releasing in a couple months people can set a reminder using @[email protected] 2 months and they will get a reply to that message 2 months from then reminding them about it so they can check it out. (reminders are handled by replies so that it functions in kbin communities, and so that users from platforms such as mastodon can also use it in the communities)

Bot is fully open source so feel free to make pull requests with new features if you want or customize it to adapt it for your community if you want to self host.

Hope you enjoy it :) (note bot does not work here since this community isnt in the allowlist currently but theres a crossposted post in that it works in if you want to test it out)

Matrix Space for Pangora:


Hey everyone! I recently finished up the remindme bot 1.4 update to make it comply with the bot guidelines

The bot now functions using an allowlist so if you want it to work in your community make sure to open up a federation request issue on the repository

This bot aims to give people an easy way to remind themselves about an event on the fediverse. For example if theres something releasing in a couple months people can set a reminder using @[email protected] 2 months and they will get a reply to that message 2 months from then reminding them about it so they can check it out. (reminders are handled by replies so that it functions in kbin communities, and so that users from platforms such as mastodon can also use it in the communities)

Bot is fully open source so feel free to make pull requests with new features if you want or customize it to adapt it for your community if you want to self host.

Hope you enjoy it :) More bots on the way as I go through and update them all

(p.s. the bot works in all communities so you can test it out here)

Matrix Space for Pangora:

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