@SteveTech tells you what the church's priorities really are :(
@unionagainstdhmo What exactly do they think will happen if their players come out? Lost sponsership deals? Not bloody likely! So it's just cowardice.
@Mountaineer How much would it cost the state or federal government to buy it and power it up? Chickenfeed.
@AnxiousGnome I admit to being shocked at him claiming the government has reacted with glee. They just have not. Anything but.
He just has no bottom at all :(
@Metaright "Until both sides start addressing each other's actual arguments"
Really, no.
The entire anti-abortion thing has been wrought from nothing, for the express purpose of working up conservative voters. Like the anti-drag thing, the anti-'woke' thing, etc.
The 'actual' argument on the forced birther side comes down to whether a person capable of being pregnant has bodily autonomy. That side completely denies this. You simply can't have a rational argument with people who want you dead, injured, or tied to a life with children you don't want and/or can't afford. Who think scooping out a clump of cells with no independent thought or existence is worse than an 8 year old being forced to bear a child to term, an adult dying of sepsis or giving birth to a 'baby' incapable of survival or a life free from pain and severe disability.
Their argument basically comes down to "Kinder, Küche, Kirche". Keep women barefoot, pregnant, and uneducated.
Don't you dare to try and both sides this.
@Sleazy_Albanese Can't do that because of the law, but let's just say, it won't come as a big surprise to anyone following closely