I put them in my password safe
Punkt 1 fände ich auch ziemlich gut. Ist irgendwie blöd das von Hand umzufriemeln, da kann man die UX definitiv nochmal nen großen Schritt nach vorne bringen.
Ansonsten würde ich es cool finden, wenn ich alle Posts einer anderen Instanz sehen könnte. Ich würde z.B. gerne alles "hotte" auf feddit.de sehen und auch teilnehmen können, aber mein Account ist nicht von feddit.de. (Ich würde mir ja einen machen, aber das versuche ich schon seit einer Woche und es lädt immer unendlich lang.)
It's corporate greed. They're just trying to get (more) money out of their users pockets. They're starting not to design their products in a way that the most people use it, but in a way that they get the most money, time and useful, valuable data from their users. That's less people but more profit.
Netflix is showing similar behaviour at the moment.
It' simple: Greed is the reason.
Those people are manipulated by the rich. They hope they become rich themselves one day by praising oppression, exploitation and unfairness. They're also lazy af when it comes to their own habits lol.
Auf dem nächsten Wahlzettel
I will do that. One day.
One day.
Yes, someone do a photography one please, where you can post your photos and talk about it
Microsoft also says their OS is good
Awesome! I tried various 3rd party reddit apps over the years and stuck with slide the longest. Always liked its simplicity, ux design and focus on pictures. I'm an iOS user though, anything planned for that? (I'm on Mlem beta meanwhile.)