Yeah if you live on 70k in my home town that is far more than just comfortable. I actually know of people who can take remote jobs with a high salary then move to less wealthy countries to just become the top 1% there also.
Sorry we lost our child, but I'm paying someone to take his bed out of the room.
I don't know, people find reasons to be unhappy. Supplying your baseline needs could certainly alleviate stress and help keep you content, but without purpose beyond themselves there tends to be a trend of disillusionment and depression. It's no secret the amount of substance abuse is prevalent in wealthy families.
Assumptions are not strawmen. It's a direct response to a point you made.
Conflating feeling mildly peckish and the feeling of actually starving. That sure makes sense.
Right, as doing a 500 calorie deficit is literally nothing, and it takes about 2 weeks for your metabolism to adapt to the cut. You'd be dead for them it stop.
My god. There is no fast way to lose weight but you don't have to "eat much less" you just need to be in a long term energy deficit.
You're making it blatantly obvious you're even more delusional by not understanding what a strawman is. Even if I was wrong I'm not setting up an arg I'mument no one stated just to trash it. Regardless, lmao. This is literally basic biology. Something can't grow without the energy to supply growth. Try growing a tree without sunlight and water. I'm sure it'll sprout in an energy deficit. You can recomposition in a cut sure, but you can't pack muscle or lipids if there's no incoming energy.
Wow so when your body no longer needs the same energy to maintain your 400lb fatass, you should just eat less energy, revolutionary!
This is why it's fucking trivial to lose weight. Weigh in twice a week, count calories, adjust weekly income based on weigh-in changes, and for god sake exercise. Wow so complex, so many variables! Every ground you stand on is so unbelievably antithetical to how simple and well researched this is. I know you want to believe in boogeymen, and ard probably obese yourself (assumption not strawman, learn your terms) but it's easy. Just because it can take 4 months to lose 16 pounds, doesn't mean it isn't simple. I regularly do this for powerlifting body recomposition. I know the science. I know the processes. I actively participate. You are fucking lazy, stupid, or delusional if you cannot lose weight in an energy deficit, or gain muscle and weight in a surplus. End of discussion.
That literally doesn't happen the way you think it does. A normal reduction of calories for A POUND A WEEK is 500 calories. In no universe is that significant. You don't suddenly start feeling like your starving and your body doesn't shut down metabolic processes just because you omitted a muffin worth of calories at breakfast. You really are so fucking delusional. Not to mention, it's thermogenically impossible for you to stop intaking energy and gain weight. It doesn't slow to a crawl and stop. It spends a short waiting period to refill adipose lipids, and when it came out guess back to the normal rate. I more than understand survival instinct to eat when you stop eating as much. But you're in control of your own desires.
Obese and morbidly obese people only have themselves and their lackadaisical care for their own health to blame. If it's in your control, you either want something enough, or you make excuses.
Nah mate you're delusional. If we're talking the LOWEST BAR POSSIBLE: don't be obese. It's so simple to just intake less calories. We're not saying lose body fat, get into shape, become an athlete, or 12% bf. Just literally set your bmi ( a bullshit measurement anyway) to AT MINIMUM overweight.
Yes it's ludicrously trivial and requires you to just stop eating so much. The same fucking method vets have your dog do when they weigh too much.
As I said elsewhere, calories and consistency are 90%, everything else is to optimize your goal. And the vast majority of people are lazy morons who can't stay consistent.
Okay. Dev goes into negative shoveling even more money and retaining the original development team into a product they already released to apologize. New expansion completely revamps the game and ignites hundreds of positive reviews and complete public opinion turnaround.
Now remind me when modern EA ever gave a game post release care. Most of their catalogue is just games they already released but with less features now so they can add it back in 4 years as a marketing ploy to be new. They aren't even in the same league.
I'm talking about endogenous and exogenous hormones. Peptides, steroids, sarms and the like. But with training, recovery is always the most important factor for muscle growth with synthesis, so unless you have perfect conditions all the time (impossible for a natural) it's better to optimize around recovery than being in the gym. Starting Strength is great for beginners like OP.
I've been doing a volume Bench Squat 5x5 Dead 1x5/intensity (start by doing heavy weight for sets of 5, when that's too heavy do sets of 3, then down to 5 sets of 1, 3 sets of 1, a single max, then reset) 2 day split with one light day with band work to improve ligaments and neck work to avoid another herniated disc. I honestly consider this the best for naturals in both recovery and time, but with more exercises added in. I'm restricting to the main lifts for powerlifting competition, but adding accessories to focus more on triceps, or rack pulls, etc would be good. Since starting this a few months ago my squat has gone from a 1x5 315 squat to a 415 max and 325 5x5 as a 6'2 natural powerlifter (I've only been lifting seriously for 3 years and powerlifting for a year and a half, my trainer has been training for 15 years and hit a 610 deadlift naturally but now in his 30s with low 300 free test he takes TRT)
5x5s are great, Practical Programming is a good book to follow Starting Strength, I recommend reading Alex Leonidas' Naturally Enhanced for a more hypertrophy approach. The Texas Program is good. Most of these are designed around the same concept of a 2 day full body one volume heavy the other intensity.
Also helps that if you're eating protein from a whole foods perspective, an 8oz chicken breast is a lot of food for only ~380 calories. Same goes for all lean proteins and even the fatty kind. You can fit a whole lot more in for equal calories going at whole foods than eating a 1200 calorie muffin.
"According to a meta-analysis of several diet programs, calorie restriction was the primary driver of weight loss, followed by macronutrient composition." It's like your reading comprehension is designed to just find your own biases and accept them unequivocally. Cope.
That and fighting millions of years of evolutionary instinct screaming at you to eat everything you can when you start reducing calories in case you won't eat again for a few days.
It's only been MAYBE ~150 years that all classes of society had ready access to food.
You're the one spewing psuedo-science and cope. Just because it becomes stubborn doesn't mean it will never budge. Secondly lmao 1 pound a week being "a lot of weight" I can lose 8 pounds in a day by dehydrating myself. Just shut the fuck up and move on. You're actually moronic.
The difference in my muscle mass of 220 and someone who's 220 mostly fat is still a caloric energy balance. Do I have to increase my calories more than them to maintain? Yes. No one had stated an objective maintenance caloric intake. Mine could be 3500-4000, their's 2800 or some shit. Still doesn't change it's a trivial intake issue. I'm done replying to someone so objectively stupid. Eat less, lose adipose tissue, lose weight. I guess overall starving nations having no fat people is just coincidence.