Well at least Gaza is safe now. Good job.
These next four years are for you.
Yeah, the Joe guy should take himself off the ticket or something.
Yes. The Robert's decision blatantly violated the Constitution.
Could have fooled me. Choosing your own definition for words the the entire rest of the English speaking population already defined seems like a pretty sophomoric move to me. Calling someone a "tool" sealed the deal. Does that mean that you are ready to leave your inside-only-super-speical-club only meaning to "liberal" behind and start using the word like every else uses it?
And guess what: solar and wind canot take care of base load. Only oil, gas, coal, or nuclear can be run 24-7 with varying output in response to demand. Choose one.
All this is true. But it does nit change the definition of liberal, liberalism, or liberty. I feel like people here are confusing liberalism with neo-liberalis or capitalism.
Rainbows and unicorns for everyone.