joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 18 hours ago

I det private er der mulighed for at få tider. Fik selv til i løbet af 3-4 uger for lidt under et år siden. Så ja synes det lyder lidt underligt. Hvis det så virkelig er der mangler psykiatere så skulle man måske kigge på at få uddannet nogle flere eller afhjælpe dem ved at egen læge kan hjælpe med at screene bedre eller lave nogle indledende samtaler mens man venter så det ligger klar til psykiateren. Brugte selv tid på at udfylde skemaer og tests som min egen læge sagtens kunne have ordnet og sendt videre men i stedet skulle jeg lave dem begge steder (lidt forskellige men næsten det samme) hvilket jo er lidt dumt

[–] [email protected] 6 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Som en der selv har været igennem møllen via privat sundhedsforsikring føler jeg virkelig for alle dem som ikke er ligeså priviligerede. Den danske offentlige psykiatri er til grin, og staten burde skamme sig.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's good to hear you get help. This story just speaks volumes to how important it is to get help as early as possible and to learn to drop the mask and let go when you need to. Wish you the best.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Definitely try again. I had a stupid doctor as well and it took me way too long to change it and get proper help. I was so depressed and really bad when I finally got my shit together over 2 years later. I begged for help and told my girlfriend to please not let me slide out of this.

Let me be your push to try again, because everyone deserves help and to be taken seriously. You NEED to go again and insist. Don't budge. Be the "worst side of yourself" and by that I mean don't try to hide anything. There's no reason to try and appear strong and "well functioning" towards your doctor like you are probably used to doing for everyone else. Tell your doctor about every small little detail of your life that is inhibing you, and tell about all the stupid small stuff you do that you probably barely even notice yourself, like constant fidgeting or thought processes flying crazy for no reason or whatever it might be in your case.

Let the hyperfocus consume you towards getting help😄 and I mean that in the best way possible.

I've been there myself and in hindsight I wish someone would have pushed me harder to go get help and insisted I should not give up..

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Sounds like it could be too high a dose if you get jittery, been there at 30-40mg but 20mg + 10mg both extended release later in the day works really well for me.

Remember that the way Ritalin (methylphenidate) works is not by boosting dopamin but rather slow down dopamin uptake. You still need to create the first "spark of dopamin" yourself that then slowly snowballs itself stronger. I'd say you need to take it at least a few days to weeks to see an effect and learn how it affects you. Start at just 10 to 20mg. Otherwise try another variation of methylphenidate like concerta or medikinet.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Jeg tror computersystemer har lammet folk til ikke at kunne gøre noget medmindre det er i systemet og det er ærgerligt, og det siger jeg som softwareudvikler.

Jeg tror at en del af grunden er, at systemerne er blevet meget komplekse og kun et ekstremt fåtal af mennesker besidder faktisk evnerne til at gå ind og rette systemerne men samme fåtal af personer har ikke mandat til faktisk at ændre det. Dem som så har mandat til at lave ændringerne, ledere og bestyrelsen, besidder ofte absolut ingen it evner. Et sådan setup slår totalt knude på sig selv da lederne så heller ikke kan formulere en ordenlig URS hvorfor vi så får systemer som ikke opfører sig hensigtsmæssigt.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Have you talked with a psychiatrist and gotten a diagnosis yet? That's a good step to take towards helping yourself, but start with your own doctor of you haven't already, and get a referral (or however it works in your country). If you have ADHD it's often that the brain is underestimated hence stimulants work wonders for ADHD to get the brain knocked back on track. You'd probably need to try a variety of stimulants to find what works for you even within the same family of stimulants like release times and brands, small variations can make you react differently.

I wish you the best and hope you'll find something that works. This forum is a great source of help and motivation.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 day ago (10 children)

Stimulants.... Or lots of coffee... I mean loooots of coffee

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Hey, you are okay as you are. Thanks for sharing because that's a really important skill to have.

You sound depressed or maybe just a moment of weaknes is flowing over you, but in any case it's always good to talk to your doctor about it. If you don't like your doctor get a new one. I have before stayed too long with a bad doctor and it was a revelation when I moved house and was forced to change. Having a good doctor to talk to about depression, ADHD and mental health is just so important, and a great help.

I hope you'll feel better soon. Stay safe.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Debian. Since so many distros are based of it I always thought of it to be a stripped down, minimal and basic distro, but after daily driving for a year now in suprised how feature complete and pleasent it is out of the box with kde DE.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What's the function of the baking soda? Disinfectant?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Synes også jeg fik godt med opdutter på den kommentar :D var dog ikke klar over at det var noget specielt.



I hope these type of requests are allowed here. Otherwise just let me know and I'll remove my post.

I'm soon moving to a new house and it has a little garden area of 5.5 m wide and 4.4m long. And surrounded by a tall hedge (that I don't want to remove)

At the moment, as you can see on the pictures below, it's all tiled. I initially intended to remove about a third of the tiles and make a mos, clover and wild flowers lawn that my cat and dog can use now and then. Then maybe make some tall planteres for wild herbs from stacking the removed bricks up in a square and adding some wood planks.

But now i got the idea of asking you guys if you have any better ideas for how to use this space for a little sanctuary for me and my pets. I'd love to see some inspiration, sketches or ideas from you on how i get more use out of this space. Maybe removing the tiles is not the best idea?

I live in Denmark so the climate is a bit mixed. I'm not a big gardener type of person so something simple that mostly takes care of itself is ideal. Lavenders, sage, oniongrass types of herbs and Viola tricolor and wild flowers for easy and pretty colors.


A few of you asked for how to do it so here's my guide. This method gives me perfect coffee every time, but your milage may vary so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Grind to filter coffe size or maybe a bit finer. Don’t go to espresso level or it’ll just clog the brewer and burn the coffee. It is generally not super sensitive to grind size so don’t worry too much. If in doubt go corser.

Always, always weigh the coffe! I found that they are actually quite sensitive to the amount of coffe you put in. Ever since a started weighing the beans I’ve never had any issues with it. If you cannot get a nice consistent flow through the entire brew and it begins to sputter too early you most likely filled it too much. So rather than fiddle with the grind size, you should instead fill it a little less next time. This is why you must weigh the beans. I use 12-13g for the 2 cup that you see here, and 28-30g for the 6 cup version. If I go outside that range it won’t brew nicely. It’s that sensitive! Grind size does very little to change this

Finally use hot water. This first of speed up the brew but also makes it easier to control the pressure inside. So pour hot/freshly boiled water in, assemble, and put on a low to medium heat with the lid open so you can see when the coffee comes. When the coffee starts to come through turn it down to low low heat to get a nice, slow and consistent flow. For the 2 cup version it’s about 15-30 seconds and for the big 6 cup version i think it’s about 40-90 seconds. I can’t remember exactly so don’t worry too much as long as it’s consistent and nice and slow.

Pour the coffee immediately. Otherwise it’ll slowly burn and turn bitter in the hot brewer. If you want to share the portion stir it a bit first since its much stronger at the bottom.

With this method i always get amazing coffee out of this little machine and i low it so much.

The milk i just heated with the Bialetti electric milk foamer but a little pot and a whisk would do the same. Don't heat the milk too much. It should only be around 65 degrees or something like that or it changes the taste. For UHT treated milk i guess this doesn't matter.

I hope this was helpful. So enjoy your coffee.

Additional debugging steps:

If you use a blade grinder: This is fine, and I’ve used one for years when I was a student and it worked just fine as well. You can grind pretty fine with that for the mokka pot. It's difficult to go too fine, but again, if on doubt go corser. Much more importantly is to avoid clumps. Blade grinders tends to make clumps so try to stir them out a bit with a needle/scewer or a very thin fork.

Clumps causes channeling and easily makes it sputter and all the water goes through too fast since it cannot build the pressure needed to make a consistent flow.

Clogging causes it to go really slow and sputter almost immediately and it seems like not all the water wants to go through. This is because it builds up too much heat and pressure so when the coffee passed through the coffee it's above 100C° so it instantly boils when it reaches the other side and gives a very harsh amd unpleasant taste.

Oh I forgot to add. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CLEAN YOU MOKKA POT WITH SOAP! Don't be fooled by what others are saying. It's not building up "flavour" it is literally old and rancid coffee "flavours" you are building up. So please please clean you pot with soap and a soft sponge every single time.


Kumpir is a traditional Turkish streetfood wich is based on a baked potato with cheese and toppings. In this case, the inside of the potato is mixed and mashed heavily with Gouda cheese and topped with olives, sweet corn, roasted sausage pieces, and salty pickles. Dressed with ketchup and mayo. Many different types of toppings exists, so very easy to make as you like.

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