The FDA actually requires that raw fish be frozen prior to consumption to kill parasites. Food Code 3-402.11-12.
I've had a Gameboy for most of my life so I'm a sucker for portables. Donkey Kong, Oracle of Seasons, Pokemon Crystal, and Super Mario Land 2 all get replayed with some regularity. For GBA the Golden Sun games are still in my top ten favorites to this day, and the SNES ports like Link to the Past and Super Mario World were great to have in my pocket.
No but my dog does.
Got a Gameboy Color from my grandparents in '98 and I'm still riding that high to this day.
If you like JRPGs Golden Sun is the bee's knees.
A textbook example, yes. And Today I Learned something!
For work I use a database written in COBOL. Reports are simultaneously running and frozen until I either get the report results or sufficient time has passed that I'm certain the system has crashed.
We got Tears of the Kingdom, but at what cost?
I'm sure there's a LoRa somewhere, self-hosted is always the answer.
+1 for Gulikit sticks, I've revived five different sets of joycons for friends and family at this point. Install is a little fiddly but just go slow and don't let anything dangle.
A bunch of randos on the 'net won't be able to tell you any better than she can. If she says she's fine reaffirm your friendship and tell her you're there if she needs to talk and otherwise carry on. Not much else you can do without jeopardizing the friendship.