Humorous, but I don't think that really applies here.
If you only care about raw sugar, sure. I assume it's not factoring carbohydrates into the sugar figures, much less the other nutrition information.
True, and they generally get ample praise for the good. The bad has, unfortunately, rewarded them with their billions.
Good acts do not make a good person. Plenty of billionaires have done good things, but they don't even come close to outweighing the bad.
Fernando's New Beginnings?
An island of this size should probably have neither.
The more things change, the more they stay the same...
On the other hand, that taught me to use more than just quicksave. Too many instances of saving just before I die, setting me back hours.
When escalation of this magnitude is your solution, you shouldn't be surprised when your clients respond with violence.
Alright, another of these terrible comics!