Those cabinets in brown are hideous. I'm not a fan of the purple, either, but at least it has character.
These people are just interested in fuck toys, not actual people.
If it enjoyed it, sure. Maybe. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. No pun intended.
Just chiming in on the "40 days and nights" to say that 40 may just mean a long time. Supposedly it was often used that way, but there doesn't seem to be a consensus from what I've seen.
Anyone who will believe this already knows that Trump lies non-stop. Anyone who does not recognize Trump for the liar andcon man he is by now isn't going to have their mind changed.
Maybe, but even ten years ago, people would have hesitated to say this kind of thing publicly. Or am I wrong in thinking that? It's not that I think it didn't happen, but it seems to me that it happens with much greater frequency now.
It's a 196 thing, I think.
What the everloving fuck is going on? Why is society regressing so far with all of these bullshit views?
My dad, probably. My mom, absolutely not. Of course, I barely talk to anyone I don't live with, and I'm 38, so I wouldn't actually talk to either of them.
That's the problem with the fediverse in general. It's a lovely concept, but it's hard to sell people on something that has 10% (if we're being generous) of the content they're used to.