
joined 1 year ago

Hop je me lance dans ce dossier que je voulais creer pour analyser un peu ce qui deviendra le climat du futur en france.

Compilation de liens autour de l'espagne, maroc et etalie et leur rendement en agriculture.

Espagne (région retenue : andalousie)

sécheresse évolution sur 10 ans ?

  • Durée de la secheresse et comparaison avec la pluviometrie normale de 1980
  • évolution des nappes phréatique
  • les incendies
  • quotidien : douche, machine à laver


Évolution des rendements sur 10 ans

  • tomate
  • olive
  • agrume


  • Désallement de la mer
  • lutte contre pompe illégale
  • circuit d'eau fermée

Si envie de participer, hesitez pas. Le but est d'avoir une vue d'ensemble. Postez vos lien, si vous trouvez des tableaux sur l'évolution en 10 ans ce serait super.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

True, i insisted. I'm apologizing for being rude.

Maybe i'm wrong about it.

Here is the main reason i decided to comment and went overboard : most our posts here were in french language. That's the first thing i see when i come to ∆europe∆

When you subcribe, usually the user check beforefand its contents and the attentive one, its sidebar...that's why i was annoyed : i don't understand your mistake.

I wasn't happy about your comment "being lazy". There is plenty automated translator, you could simply copy/pasta and ask us for correction, isn't it ?

On the other hand, You are right, someone else could achieve that and make it a multilingual community, so we could switch toward an european community.

Maybe if your comment was worded differently someone would accepted and take its time to do it just for you. However we are a very very small community...

Maybe be i misjudged you. i can't guess your feelings and intentions with written characters.

Now, i hope, we are even as you know why i answered like that.

I'm apologizing for my rudeness and i hope you hope you will forgive me.

Have a nice day fella :)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You should unsubcribe because the aim of this community won't met your expectation.

It is an european community but for french speaking people and it is already doing a good job since we don't speak a lot about europe.

There is plenty english communities, you probably have a german european community. Here its a small coconning for us.

I recall about the censoreship from reddit and their "europe" community, mostly from america and other. It wasn't a good experience.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Je le connais mal. C'est celui de linux mint et j'ai jamais touché à mint. Enfin si, chez une asso, mais très peu.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Techniquement, je ne saurais pas te le dire mais c'est probable que Cosmic DE deviendra un des environnements de bureau majeur de linux dans 5 ans et prendra des part à Gnome et xfce.

Pour la ressemblance iel s'appuie surtout sur Gnome, l'ancien DE de Pop-Os

Après 1 an de développement, c'est juste le début, on peut pas encore comparer au reste qui ont des années de developpement. C'est une version alpha, l'objectif est la parité des fonctionalités avec les autres DE.

Le seul aspect unique de Cosmic DE c'est son code écrit en Rust. Donc tu peux t'attendre, en théorie, à un bureau véloce, très peu gourmand en ressource et très peu de bug.

Actuellement, linux a plusieurs environnement de bureau :

  • Gnome (≈apple)
  • KDE (≈windows)
  • XFCE (≈windows 98) très bon et peu gourmand
  • Cinnamon
  • ect

Et maintenant Cosmic.



  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:56 What is Vanilla OS?
  • 02:47 App Compatibility
  • 06:52 Updates and maintenance
  • 09:20 Reproducibility and automation
  • 11:14 How does it compare?
  • 14:19 Sponsor: Tuxedo Computers
  • 15:19 Support the channel

Vanilla OS is what we would call an immutable system, meaning the base system is mostly read only by default, and updated after a reboot.

You can still install packages onto that base system, from the Debian repos, as Vanilla OS is based on a snapshot of Debian Sid. You can use any system tool that lets you change configurations, and you can still edit some config files.

So, Vanilla OS was already using the principle of distro containers, letting you create an Arch, an OpenSUSE, and a Fedora container on the fly, and install packages in any of these through a single package manager, called APX. It also of course supported Flatpaks, as that's how you'll install your software on the base system.

But this time around, they added Android app support as well. The way it works, is, of course, through Waydroid, but they've integrated it pretty well. You can simply download an APK, and double click it, to bring a graphical installer that will add this app to your applications menu.

Apart from that, you still have access to all the distro containers that Vanilla OS already had: you can create one graphically, or using the APX package manager tool, and you can see the list of programs that have been installed in each container.

The new version of APX is also more flexible, it lets you add not only distributions, but also just other package managers. If you want to add support for pacman, you can just add that, and APX will create the right distro container for you.

Vanilla OS 2 also comes with a new "smart updates" system. This is a fancy name to say "we won't download and install updates while you're working".

Smart updates just mean that the partition you're not currently using isn't getting updates while you're working or using the PC, because that would divert resources from what you're doing.

System updates are basically just snapshots of Debian Sid, that have been compiled into an OCI image that is tested by the Vanilla OS devs. Once it's ready, they'll ship it to all Vanilla OS systems, and your currently unused partition is replaced by this image, and all the customizations you've applied are of course applied to this new image as well.

And of course, flatpaks and packages from distro containers are updated normally, like any other distro.

The other major change for Vanilla OS is the addition of some NixOS like features, namely the ability to create descriptive files to reproduce your system.

There's a new tool called Vanilla Image Builder, or Vib. This lets you create a Vanilla OS Image, with a bunch of customizations already added to it. You can add specific packages, drivers, codecs, but you can also add commands that need to be run, change some configurations, and more.

The project is actually wider than just Vanilla OS images, it also lets you create container images for specific applications, by specifying a distro base. Basically lets you create Docker images.

In terms of automation, Vanilla OS comes with VSO, for Vanilla System Operator. This lets you create tasks that have conditions, and instructions. If the conditions are met, the instructions are ran. These conditions include disconnecting from the network, when you're on low battery, when a specific process starts, when a new device is connected or disconnected, when your CPU usage is high, or others, and you can also specificy a script or a command as the condition.

VSO is actually more than just a task automation system, it also lets you manage the Waydroid subsystem, export applications from a distro container to your system's applications list, so you can run it in one click, it handles sideloading of APKs and DEB packages, and more.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

Les canicules marines en Méditerranée affectent lourdement les poissons, les mollusques et les plantes, favorisant aussi les espèces invasives et augmentant l’intensité potentielle des précipitations, en raison d’une évaporation plus forte.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Moi non plus je n'ai pas compris où est le danger. 4° au dessus des normales c'est énorme. Mais il nous manque la conséquence :

  • plus de poissons ?
  • pluie torrentielles ?
  • une tornade ?

Je viens presque à regretter le jeudi jeu 😭

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

It's hard to translate. I would sum up like this :

  • if an operator want to do some work, normaly/usualy they try to contact the owner.

And all constructions project are validated by the mayor.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 weeks ago

And lemmy, when you use filter new and new comment is almost exactly like mastodon. :)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 weeks ago

1 Boîte de réception

@[email protected] pour [email protected] • How would you feel about Lemmy being able to pull in hashtags from the Fediverse? 1•

It’s more about the quality of the content: you posted more than a couple hundred characters and thus were able to clearly outline what you wanted, why, and how you thought that would improve things.

Mastodon has the twitter problem where it’s short-form hot-takes and basically no good long-form content, other than like, to link to somewhere else for the good content.

I don’t have a lot of use for that kind of content especially in a format where it’s hard to respond to and have an actual conversation. Most twitter-clone UIs don’t do a good job of threading and nesting comments in a way that you can easily follow along and have conversations with the people engaged in discussion.

I’m old and like the forum-style interface where people can write out a complete thought, engage in a formatted discussion that’s easy to follow along with, and does so in a way that lets other people easily hop in at any point.

So I’d say it’s less about the idea of unifying platforms on a single identity (which I think is a great idea and firmly agree that having some sort of Fediverse SSO would make this a lot easier of a sell for less technical users) but more that dumping a pile of low-quality content into a place with reasonably good content isn’t actually improving anything.

(I would also qualify this with a comment that I’m old enough that my first “fediverse service” was FidoNet, so I’m reasonably sure I have a different opinion on the value of a well-designed platform for a single specific task vs making one that can do everything for everyone.)

Interesting, thank for sharing your experience. :)

Yes, we need a short of fediverse SSO. I think nomadic account as hubzilla one would fit it nicely. For the SSO, i imagine is as our email address. And the alias are fedi-account. We may guide user to find their server : do you wwrite lenghty or short message ? Are you on phone or PC ? Which UI ddo you prefer ?

Well i often miss forum period because the content was better that was phpbb golden era. I see twitter/mastodon message as a live chat format where you can find someone talking about your interest with hashtag. It’s where i can take a break and share a bit of my life and see what’s going on. Compared to lemmy, i find mastodon more playful.

I use mastodon for political post because of their anoying and useful text limitation. I love debating. The problem is that with some users it ended up to a full scale nuclear wars where i spent lot time write to defend my stance. I’m the kind of guy to believe in police and anarchy, so you understand how it can end up very badly.

The 500 characters help me to keep quiet and don’t fall in a needlessy argumentation. And the fact i didn’t setup as an all-in software allow me to isolate when i need some love. :)

For Iceshrimp, it’s a cross-over between mastodon and lemmy with one of the most beautiful UI. I have 3000 characters and it’s a good balance between lenghty text and short of. I only miss the forum UI.


cross-posted from:

Just a quick note to recognize that the first lines of PieFed code were published on the 28th July 2023, just over a year ago. Since then there have been 1400+ changes made by 9 people, involving adding 88,000 lines of code and removing 28,000 lines. The issue queue has 98 open and 99 closed issues.

While went live in October 2023, it wasn't until time off work over the christmas holidays enabled a big push to get it ready that went live on 4th January 2024.

Since then has federated 190k posts, 2.3M comments and 19M votes with 1900 other instances of various types. Besides there are 5 other PieFed instances that I know of.

What a year it's been! I've grown significantly as a developer, had a lot of fun and hopefully contributed something meaningful to whatever the fediverse is becoming. Long may it continue!


EnvironnementEspace VégéJardinMoins de voituresMonde paysanSolarpunkZéro déchet

Ressources | AgricultureClimatJardinJardinage du mois


Le déclin des insectes

Focus : les abeilles et pollinisateurs


Laboratoire géologique de Lyon : Comprendre les variations climatiques

les émissions de CO2

Les températures mondiales

La température de la surface de l'Océan depuis 1980

Température de l'air depuis 1980

Prévision climatique par pays




Typologie de la vulnérabilité des territoires face au risque climatique, 2016. Source : MTE, SDES, 2019


Le béton/sable

Les transports

L'agriculture et alimentation

⚠️ Alimentation aux usa.

L'épuisement des ressources




Eau circuit fermé Déimperméabilisation des sols Architecture/construction


Limiter les déplacements/transport Mobicoop Velo


Agriculture, stockage carbone Le grenier de l'abondance


Fripperie/Réutilisation/Réparation machines Le fret Low Tech Changer de banques, les amis de la Terre Monnaie libre ...


Energies vertes Post-pétrole, décroissance

Suggestion de mégafils et tutos

Vous aimez les mégafils et tutos ? Vous pouvez les retrouver sur le lien ci-dessous, créer les votre ou en suggérer de nouveau :)


cross-posted from:

Hacking with care


Hacking With Care is collective composed of hackers-activists, caregivers, artists, sociologist, growing quite literally by contact and affinity.

Together we imagine, circulate, put in common resources and tools for care in accordance with hackers ethics and peer-to-peer philosophy.

We create occasions for body & soul rejuvenation and collective (re)appropriation of care. We work with an understanding of the needs and requirements of specific contexts, as can be found in hacking and activism. Similarly, we like to transmit to caregivers some hackers-activists tools and best practices, for example in relation to privacy/data protection, technological independence, operational security. Other aspects we like are creativity in care, access to knowledge, interdisciplinarity, questioning of norms…

Our actions evolve around two principal axis that could be (but not limited to): Care for hackers-activists and Hackers ethics and tools for caregivers.

They include care corners at hackers-activists events, pop-up massage sessions at the quarters of activists organizations, massage and well-being workshops and tutorials, compilation of resources and creation of original resources, research, news watch…

Indeed, we are aware big-hearted hackers and activists are exposed to life-threatening levels of stress and emotional challenges. Some burnout, some are imprisoned or experience limitations or abuse of their rights, in retaliation for their deeds. Some die. Meanwhile, the health-care sectors (where the most vulnerable people become yet more exposed) serve corporate and shady political agendas by default. We, as individuals, as communities, are being “holistically” attacked by the systems in governance : attacks and restrictions on life and freedoms keep intensifying everywhere, motivated by unchecked power and greed. They affect all, in all areas of life, including access to healthcare.

These converging realizations and the great joys we have in doing what we do all, inspired us to put together this initiative. We want to help become aware of vulnerabilities in our movements and organize so that each and everyone’s capacities to care and be cared for will not be compromised.


[email protected]

We're pleased to announce the 6.1 release of #PeerTube 🥳

Integration of account import/export, shorter duration to count a view, 2 important security vulnerabilities fixes, and more!

It's time to upgrade your instances!

Check out:


Bientot les soustitres auto, bientot...☺️


Source :

Alt text : Graphique des températures moyennes marines de surface de 1984 à 2024. les courbes annuelles "montent" progressivement au cours du temps, mais 2023 se détache énormément des précédentes, et 2024 est encore plus au-dessus.

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