
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

I said you were uneducated about my situation, and it’s irrelevant to the post and questions.

1 pound is 450g, you said 3/4 of a pound, which is .340g.

Yes I’m experimenting and trying to dial in my new light and homemade aeroponics system, what’s wrong with that? Cant get better unless you push and experiment, hence my results being double yours with less plants maybe?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Aren’t swingers looking to trade partners? Not do 3ways without the other usual consenting person knowing?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (2 children)

Yep, lights too strong and I had nutrient reservoir issues from health, nothing to do with the nutrients itself, but of course people have their uneducated opinions. I also wanted to avoid talking about this, hence the long story short, not important to my questions.

Blackstrap doesn’t work in hydro very well, especially aeroponics, and for what it’s worth, two of those are two of my supplement I currently use, just under different names.

350gs in a 4x2 with 320w isn’t anything to write home about, with coco you should be easily getting 1.5x your wattage. I got over about 600g from my 2 ladies in the 3x3 with 500w light at about 66% (cooked them as an experiment too) last grow. So yeah the extra nutrients do help actually.

Most nutrient lines are overpriced and unnecessary IMO, getting training, pH, and environmental conditions (especially vapor pressure differential) is where it’s at. Most people don’t need more nutes.

Not what I asked, and that just doesn’t work with my way of life, but thanks for not answering my questions.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 19 hours ago

Link for reference

Top is fine, but bottom is better.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 20 hours ago

Any day now, basically waiting for them to throw a fit.

The one isn’t showing any reds unlike its 3 sisters, but still excited the way they’re finishing up.

They faded a little early from some reservoir issues, but they held pretty good it seems.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Nah, since that’s not what the original topic was about anyways, and you seem to be hell bent on being correct instead of having a discussion.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

The onus is on you, you claimed the terms are used and I already asked and you decided to not oblige and tell me to Google it.

So you Google it, or provide the proof you claimed of first.

The terms the US wants and uses is democrats and republicans, since they don’t really follow ideologies at all.

In a healthy political system the right will have some left ideas and left will have some right. Maybe educate yourself on other politcal systems first if you want to discuss and call me out? Your democracy is a sham, others don’t operate that way, yet you want to claim they do…? What….?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

Ideas, but not the party themselves since they want to distance themselves…

Yes I don’t follow, but it’s shoved down everyone’s throats.

I’m telling you how your politics look to OUTSIDERS… this is how WE view the shithole that you claim is democracy. None of those terms are used how you’re claiming they are.

Sure YOU use the terms, but anything that escapes to other people doesn’t, because that’s how they want to be presented. As you say, they only use the term for “ideas”, that’s distancing dude… yeeesh.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (7 children)

No, I’ve never seen an article or comment about US politics use those terms. Which is odd for how often they get posted in other places.

And no, your country and politics specifically avoid those terms, since they want a two party system and that’s part of how it works.

It’s republican and democrats, not progressive and conservatives, that’s the “marketing”. Would love some articles from the US that use these terms though.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

They are smearing “centrists” and the “right” in every comment dude…

And no, they just have an axe to grind for anyone who doesn’t align politically with them.

In a functioning democracy a “centrist” would have the good ideas of both the progressives and conservatives. So there isn’t anything about denying probable facts, and the rant they’re going on about 2+2=6 is a strawman fallacy to derail the conversation. Since that’s the uniquely US issue…

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

In a functioning political system both the “left” and “right” are competent and have good ideas.

Who said midpoints from incompatible solutions? Thats unique US issue as we’ve already discussed and pointed out, in other countries and political systems, that’s what you would want, since they are combing good ideas, not 2+2=6 as you’re claiming. Yes that’s apparently what happens in US political, not in healthy democracies.

Uh… yes it is, that’s why I would like for you to point to any other countries with these two party democracy issues.

You seriously can’t see how calling people “left”, “right”, or “centrist” is insulting them? Is that how ingrained and indoctrinated this stuff is in US politics?

It’s progressives and conservatives, the fact that you don’t even comprehend you’re refering to sides while using these insults and slurs to refer to political parties is quite frankly wild. You’re calling anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically names, I never mentioned in here dude lmfao, that makes you an ass. But yeah that shows your intent with this discussion, I’m gonna block you now instead.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (9 children)

Hence maybe why I’m pointing out that there shouldn’t be any sort of party or candidate that should be referred to as “centrist”…?

In other countries and political systems, that would be someone who would stand in the middle and actually have both good points as their platform.

In the US it’s used as smear to refer to people who don’t align politically with you. Same with the terms “left” and “right”. Other democracies have parties in these sides, but A there’s more than one, and B, the term isn’t used to smear and slander people or parties.

Hence this being a uniquely American thing…. Other countries use terms like progressive and conservatives instead, much more friendly and correct terms.


All in all it was a lot of hard work, learned a lot to make things easier next time.

Probably going to be a wash machine, they are under $200 cad. I didn’t press the patties dry enough, some were super easy to sift, others were like sanding ice cubes down.

And I lost at least a few Gs from the stuff flying out while doing it.

So for next time, I’m saving it all for winter, so I can do cool the garage down and have space to do everything neatly.


I originally wanted to keep everything separate just for my notes and to see the difference in the batches, but it was gonna be nightmare to try and sift 36 different times, so it all got crumbled up and going at once.

This is in progress, still have some more to go!



The album has some thoughts with the pictures, but bottom line, it was hard work, wasn’t as difficult as I was imagining from the guides, but it is definitely something that has to be done right, cold, and fast.

I opened the vent for the bathroom all the way the day before and kept the door closed so the AC could help chill it.

I think next time I’ll try a drywall mixing paddle instead of a paint mixer, but with plan on just using this pvc pipe again, it worked pretty good.

I don’t think I had enough water the first few washes, the filters do slowly clog up if you don’t rinse them fast enough. So I had a few spills from the filters not allowing water through and it spilling out.

All in all, fun and I can’t wait to weigh it to see what I got! But yeah definitely need to try and make it less physical next time.


Imgur Album

So I harvested my plant and put it in a tote, from there I removed the fan leaves and nothing else, from what I was seeing cutting the sugar leaves will release chlorophyll which can make your hash green. So fan leaves, and if you need to cut something to get a fan leave off, just leave it unless it’s dead.

From there I also destemmed it as much as I could following the same principle trying to wind up with 25mm (inch) sized buds.

From there it immediately went into bags and I sucked the air out and tossed in the freezer. From harvest to freezer was less than an hour per plant to try and minimize degradation.

I’m currently cleaning and sanitizing my gear and stuff for hopefully making a wash or three tonight with some of the bags! Wish me luck growmies!


I’m gonna harvest and freeze it fresh right away so I can do some “live” fresh frozen bubble hash.

Wish me luck growmies!

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