A treadle sewing machine from 1908. I've been slowly breaking it down and cleaning the internals but it's a slow process since it's not a Singer with tons of documentation.
I remember my first performance review.
Never once did I hear anything other than praise, all through the year.
Then I got "meets expectations" and when asked what I could have done to secure the required "exceeds" for a raise, I was told I did everything perfectly.
So I decided fuck it, if trying isn't even enough to get a cost of living raise, why bother putting in anything but the bare minimum.
For a one-time payment of only 11...99...9.95 (only 11,999.95!) I will send you my pamphlet that explains everything you need to know to get your letter of credit validated!
Some people make it obvious they never built model ships (possibly in bottles) when they were young.
A conversation in the past year:
"Ha! Told you! Another vaccinated person died BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE"
"they literally died of an overdose. The medical report confirms it, people were at the house and saw him shoot up, everything is pointing to overdose"
"Yeah well the drugs just worked with the POISON in him to kill him faster, if he hadn't gotten the vaccine the drugs would have just gotten him high"
"you're a fucking idiot and I'm glad I'm only related by an adoption in the family."
When someone starts a sentence with "the Bible says", I just interrupt them with "nobody gives a shit what the Bible says, this isn't your church"
It's usually enough for them to figure out continuing the discussion isn't going to go smoothly and move on.
Well to be fair, he does look a little goofy.
... Don't tell him I said that.
Just put sleeping aids in his coffee, chloroform is terrible for your throat and lungs.
It looks like a real life version of a chibi version of the anime version of the enterprise D.
And I'm not sure how I feel that that's my first thought...
I fucking love all the kitbash ships and shuffled part ships.
Especially the ugly kitbashes.
I always thought the nebula class was neat. The mission pod is cool. Being able to swap out for combat or sensors or whatever else you need by heading to a space dock, pressing a few buttons and waiting for the worker bees to swap them out in half an hour or less (or your dilithium back)
And even the mere suggestion of the only solution we've been left with will get you banned.
I know plenty of parents that would turn it into a criminal investigation that the ~~molester~~ "case worker" wouldn't be around for.
And rightly so. That goes way beyond "normal" or "acceptable"