I'm not a data hoarder, I just don't like deleting something that I may want to open at some point in the distant future...
Sub-caps are the worst.
Funny that the thing that ends up killing us is a pretty old technology...
I mean.... It was a gamble. Internet was still young. Speeds weren't keeping up with game sizes outside a few major cities. I was mailed a few large files because it was quicker than downloading them. Not to mention the desire for physical copies over a digital thing you can lose with a bad hard drive was at an all time high.
Then people realized the internet wasn't just nerd shit, ISPs slowly ramped up their DL speeds and suddenly the thing people mocked for not being feasible is doing well because of how convenient it became.
Gabe even admits he had doubts for awhile.
I wonder where gaming would be if he had listened to the doubters. There's no denying valve has had a major impact on modern gaming
I did not hit her I did naaaaaht
Who doesn't?
I go a bit farther than most people and bring disinfecting wipes to wipe down before and after I use the machine. After seeing a gym employee pour half of one cleaning spray bottle into another and fill them both with water from the drink fountain, I decided I didn't trust gyms to have proper cleaning supplies.
By the time I die I will probably have spent a full gym's worth of equipment in wipes, but for now I still can't afford a home gym outside a couple free weights.
You have to follow up any looks or double takes with something exra.
"Oh don't worry. That's for after." wiggles eyebrows
"I carried my equipment out to the car"
"I schlepped all my brothers' crap out to the car again"
When I was young and naive about digital things, I had NO BACKUP
One day I got a new laptop. Yay me. Transfer all the data from my old hard drive using some jank-ass local network setup because young and dumb about tech still.
Six months go by, and my new laptop shit itself. Still no idea what happened, but it BSODd and a factory reset got it working again.
I still had my old laptop, so after about a week of searching on forums and reading everything I could find about how to build a pc, how laptop internals compare, data transfers, and literally anything I could so I could pull the old hard drive out without damaging anything and get at least some of my data without issue...
I lost 6 months of new stuff on a much more capable laptop, but it's better than losing EVERYTHING.
It’s the eternal pointless chase for a meaning that was never there and never will.
So.... Life.
I legitimately thought she had died on my first watch, and that the crew were basically raising Naomi as a village.
Star Trek didn't do recurring characters very well... Except Q and Lwaxana.
One of two things is going to happen when companies decide they own (all) the fresh water (and people become desperate)
Either the company hires enough goons and/or thugs to keep their "investment" safe through lethal force and scare the plebs away, possibly ~~employing~~ ~~bribing~~ "lobbying" governments to do it for them
The people who are right there next to water sources they are being told to pay more than they can afford to drink from will arm themselves and overwhelm the defending forces with sheer numbers, resulting in an internationally covered bloodbath, kickstarting Water War 1 as other companies rush to beat back any perceived defiance, nations attempt to secure access to fresh water whether it's on their land or not, and normal people prepare for the worst.