
joined 3 years ago

Christmas Day read about this "millennial's video game supervacht" without vomiting challenge!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago

this is actually an applerankings.com fan site

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

time is a flat circle. we're doomed to have observant people point obviously and painfully ironic flaws in society, as society just sort of carries on anyway, repeating past stupidities and adding new ones.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

AGGGHH. I feel like Mugatu taking crazy pills over here. $120 million in start up funding and a New York Times profile for a company that's literally just a regular private car / limo service. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/05/business/alto-uber-drivers-alternative.html

"Disrupting" the ride sharing industry by having a staff of drivers that drive people places for a fee. It's totally a tech company too, right??? agony-shivering

Capitalism is so egregiously stupid.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

That Marx guy... he was really on to something.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

the only way to deal with these people is to out-crazy them. I do "yes and", like it's improv.

"yeah, you make a good point Phil. honestly, that gets me thinking, we really gotta protect the sovereignty of our state. you know, this country was founded on important states rights principles, and now we have all this interstate craziness. people from south carolina just coming freely over the border into north carolina. we need to close the border. shoot them on sight. no question about it. I don't pay my north carolina taxes so that some south carolina freeloader can wear down my roads, clog up my beaches, litter, commit crimes..."

[–] [email protected] 14 points 11 months ago (1 children)

"Come on Quimby, you really don't think that if we'd let Putin take Ukraine, China would then take Taiwan?" --an important political figure, to me, sanctimoniously

[–] [email protected] 22 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm sitting on the toilet uncontrollably laughing out loud at this comment. I'm sure my significant other is wondering what the hell is going on.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 11 months ago

I hate this person so much.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Beyond the possibility of Republicans ultimately caving, there are other efforts lawmakers are working on to try to find a resolution to the shutdown. One is a discharge petition, which can be used to force a vote on a bill without the speaker’s permission. A majority of the House would need to back the petition for that to happen, however, and it takes time to move through the House.

Using a motion to the previous question is another possibility that’s been floated. This motion, if it passes, also allows the minority to force a vote, circumventing the speaker. It requires a simple majority in order to be enacted as well, creating the same concerns as a discharge petition for moderate Republicans contemplating working with Democrats to invoke it.

It's all just Calvinball. this entire country is such a stupid shitshow, in every way.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

The media is blaming Republicans for the impending government shutdown, which yes, is mostly true. But the democrats being willing to shut down the government rather than stop sending money to Ukraine is absolutely nuts.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

@[email protected] had a great reply, so consider this merely an add-on too it:

I do have quite a few thoughts about this. But first of all, kudos for you for wanting to get healthy; that's great. And we're absolutely all here for you!

I do think there is an aspect that is similar to other addictions, where there's a bit of a hump that you kind of have to force yourself over, and that part sucks (and it sucks again when you fall off the horse--because nobody gets it first try--and have to get over the hump again.) I personally think it's important to sort of face that head on and just recognize "I'm forcing myself to do something hard, and it's not going to feel good. But I will feel better later." When you're feeling down and are craving food, denying yourself that will absolutely make you feel cranky and even physically uncomfortable. Just like if you were quitting smoking. But, you can also try and take pride in that discomfort. The more uncomfortable you feel (within reason--don't starve yourself!!), the more that means you're accomplishing something impressive in terms of self-discipline and getting healthy.

I think it can be helpful to do something to "cut yourself off", like brush your teeth at 8pm and tell yourself "no food after 8. I already brushed my teeth for the night and I'm already in my pj's and ready for bed and everything. I'm not going to start eating now and do that all over again."

You can try relaxing supplements like CBD (I think that one on its own doesn't tend to give munchies??), chamomile, ashwaganda, etc. Heck, you can even go masturbate or something if that's your thing. Take a bubble bath. Whatever! But doing something else will both take your mind off food and directly address the anxiety that's making you want to stress eat.

Wean yourself off of comfort eating with healthier snacks. rice cakes, plain popcorn, apple slices... Also, eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water throughout the day. On that same note, there are some foods you can more or less eat as much of as you want without consequences, including watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots.

Finally, diet alone is a really, really hard way to lose weight. Exercise is pretty much essential. But it doesn't have to be hard! Just getting steps in is enough. Move around during the day, or go for a walk after work. etc etc. The other nice thing is that the two go hand in hand--when you exercise, you'll feel better and better about yourself. And dieting will make the exercise easier, which will make you feel better about dieting and make you feel even better!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

to be fair, I'm not sure that differs THAT much from extremist movements in other religions. evangelical Christianity probably does have less pretense to it, in terms of like not even having dietary restrictions or anything. but extremists of all faiths use religion as an excuse to do what they want.


Everything the US accuses China of doing, it does tenfold.


Also, the irony of the US pointing at China and saying things like "the party picks the leaders", "it's not a real democracy" etc etc.

You WILL vote for Biden and you WILL like it!


America #1!! 💪🦅🏆


The brutal American regime continues its pattern of human rights abuses with ruthless, secret prisons that are closed from journalists and auditors. The government continues to deny the reports.

All the "human rights" stuff from the West is pure projection, as usual.




Basically just another account showing how fundamentally stupid and broken the US system is, and how dumb and bad the people running things are.


yeah, that's some bullshit. classic example of "those who the law binds but does not protect" vs "those who the law protects but does not bind".


On this day 2 years ago, Hexbear was launched. Originally known as chapo.chat , hexbear.net has grown into a veritable juggernaut. Some believe that Amazon discontinued the Alexa website rankings in May 2022 to prevent hexbear.net from claiming the top spot.

Despite weirdly intense attention from wreckers over the years, hexbear.net is going strong on her second birthday, with excellent engagement numbers, and a wholesome, caring community. My sincere thanks to everyone that continues to be part of it, whether as a lurker, sporadic poster, or terminally-online power poster. On this second Hexday, I would also like to give a special shoutout to the many users who have been here since July 25th, 2020 and remain active to this day.

I'd also like to recognize emeritus site developers @ScreamoBMO and @DashEightMate for their countless contributions to the site. They retired from active development and moderation last year after many, many hours of volunteering, and we absolutely would not have this site without them.

We are, of course, also grateful to our current moderation and development teams, but I'll refrain from tagging anyone by name as contributors may have different levels of comfort with public acknowledgement. I will say that, of all the team members, I contribute the least (I 'm just comfortable with "public speaking"), so there are many other people out there who deserve a ton of credit for keeping this site going.

Furthermore, I am pleased to reveal that, amidst all the liberals, we have--at long last--determined that the One True Leftist is also a user of this site, and it's you.

Finally, on a serious note, I will say that while this site is many things to many people, it has never been a movement; it's a place for people who are part of a movement. So, to the extent that you are able, go outside and do your praxis, then come inside to hexbear.net for a comforting cup of virtual tea. Be excellent to each other and viva la hexbear.

Does that make sense? I think it does.
With communist greetings,
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