Als je niet kan kiezen kan je ook gewoon lid worden van beide partijen. Bij volt en d66 komt dat bijvoorbeeld best vaak voor.
joined 4 days ago
It simply takes a loooot of food to produce 1kg of beef
Good, no one should be buying Boeing anymore. Not only has the quality of their planes gone down the drain over the past decades, we should also support our own economy instead of sending money to a hostile USA.
And in the end that will help the USA transitions to EVs as well, since they are getting better and cheaper.
*American conservatism
He is completely wrong. The EU was formed after WW2 to prevent another war on the continent and to increase economic cooperation. The fact that makes us a much stronger block for negotiating trade deals was a side benefit, not its purpose. And it only works to screw over countries that are trying to screw us first.
Another insane figure: wild mammals make up only 4% of all mammal biomass in the world, the other 96% is humans and our livestock. That 4% includes all whales, elephants, bears, etc.