I think he just has an overall instinct that if the sensible people are for it, he has to be against it. I’m not even joking. I don’t know why, but it seems pretty clear that he operates along those lines, and I honestly can’t think of any other reason to be against wind and solar.
I know he got mad once because people were going to put up windmills that were visible from his golf course, and he was convinced that somehow it would ruin things for all the golfers, but at this point I think that’s just a minor detail, and the overall principle is just that he hates anything that’s good. I am 0% joking.
I actually wouldn't think that's true. If Trump in standard Trump fashion is simply announcing that the conditions are horrifyingly cruel on purpose, I would think that judges would be more likely to give orders that it be fixed. If you're dealing directly with BoP then no, but as they noted, they haven't been fixing them anyway.