
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I mean I think another part of it is the internet and increasing computer literacy means we’ve automated a lot of the old admin jobs that had to be done by desk workers. Used to be anyone who could type and had any sort of business major from any college could land some kind of job flying a desk, updating windows to display 20 instead of 19 in the calendar or whatever BS. Nowadays teenagers can write bots to do that in an afternoon.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (10 children)

Weird shower thought: as a guy who’s nearly 30 now, I remember there just being A LOT of “office work sucks” media being on the TV. And it lead to a lot of my peers all being like “oh that must be why our parents are so miserable, working in an office, I never want to do that” so we all like went to trade school or graphic design college to try and become some freelancer laborer, and 15 years later a lot of us are exhausted and underpaid. I know a lot of people who today are like “yah know maybe majoring in accounting and getting a job where I sit in an air conditioned room and spend most of my time playing flash games while pretending to work wasn’t so bad, maybe my parents generation was blaming office work on their misery when it was actually something else.”

But I’ve never worked in an office so maybe it does actually suck that much. Idk.


It wasn’t quite as good as The Lighthouse but still a very enjoyable historical action film. The cinematography was amazing, every frame looked like a metal album cover. They also didn’t sugar coat the Vikings, showing rather vividly the fucked up shit they’d do, cw: there’s a scene I’m fairly sure is inspired by “Come and See” and it’s not fun to watch.

Weirdly I feel like I would have enjoyed the film better if instead of setting it in a historical setting they had just gone pure fantasy. The movie plays pretty lose with realism and honestly at times felt more like an art house adaptation of Conan the Barbarian, which I feel like I would have enjoyed even more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Hefner was a gross sex creep but he was actually fairly progressive on LGBT stuff. He hired a lot of gay writers during a time when being openly gay got you blacklisted.


Even if they did epicly own them, what then?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

This kind of shit isn’t surprising, occasional exercises in self awareness and depreciation are a clever way for people to come off as more good faith than they actually are. Often people in power will preformatively cop to their own faults and hypocrisies in order to lend themselves an air of humility.


I don't care for woo shit generally but damn if astrology isn't the lamest one. Why aren't there people out there searching for gold with Dowsing rods? Why aren't teens trying to figure out their fates by doing Geomancy and throwing sticks on the ground? I want to see people get into Scapulimancy and Haruspexy where they divine things by burning bones and looking at duck livers.

Bring back that metal shit, fuck this "oooohhhh I looked at some stars and that said what personality I have", fuck that loser, go cut open an Ox and burn it's thigh bone and see the future by huffing geothermal gases!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

I will never be as cool as teenaged Chinese communist rock guitarist guy. Nobody ever will.


*funder, not founder, or Azov.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Uh, if I remember the episode they’re referring to correctly it’s just the space around this one planet that effected by FTL travel so the speed limit it only enforced there.