I don't make the rules of acquisition, I just live by them. (Grand Negus Gint made them)
I don't make the rules of acquisition, I just live by them. (Grand Negus Gint made them)
Ok, Steve Corell as superman is kinda intriguing.
Gun violence is just a fact of life in America, no way to solve it. They should just move on.
The regs don't say he can't use that, I guess they'll have to let him go.
Finally, I can taste the floor of the VR club.
More likely it pulled that but directly from other salary calculating code.
Doesn't matter, he got what he paid for on November 5th
Layperson: But I already HAVE an email!
Kamala should have run on this platform.
I assume you are using an orange pi successfully? Which version exactly?
Did you use any established project for your weather station or just make it up for yourself? I've been interested in building an esphome weather station as well.