After talking with some friends I feel the need to return to this site with a reminder for the folks here that social media is virtual reality and not to get too caught up in it. Take some time to love yourself and develop skills, enroll in your local vocational school, learn a language, or connect with your community.
The beauty of the internet is that we as humans today have access to knowledge amounts that our ancestors could only dream of. The horror of the internet is that we piss it away in virtual reality caskets.
Every social media platform, every website is designed to be addictive and trigger emotional outbursts.
I was under the belief that hexbear and lemmygrad were "different" from other social media platforms, and of course they are in many ways. But after all the effort I put into educating people on this platform, just for the mass of conquistadors to turn around wielding yankee-centric xenophobic nonsense at every turn, I finally learned my lesson that this platform was a little more than a form of escapism while functioning as self harm for me.
Good luck EMPOC community and maybe we'll meet in meatspace one day.