
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

That's great to hear! Yeah, the best thing to do is to try and recognize the things and times that make you want to drink and be cognizant at seeing the signs of urges before they turn to actually picking the drink up. If you've never looked into them, I'd highly recommend Smart Recovery (smartrecovery.org), it's a great program and has a lot of excellent strategies in their toolkit online for coping with and combating urges. Keep up the excellent work ;)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

There's a book I just learned of from the Rev Left podcast called: "Lenin's Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels through the Revolution of 1905: The Ballot, the Streets - or Both" by August Nimtz, that you might be interested in. It discusses Lenin's feelings on parlimentarianism, I haven't got a chance to read through it yet, but it sounds like it addresses the same concerns you're stating.

Here's the preface: http://www2.hhh.umn.edu/uthinkcache/gpa/globalnotes/Nimtz%20-%20Lenin-Preface%20Vol.%201.pdf

And here's a link to the book itself:https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1385-the-ballot-the-streets-or-both

I don't know the policy here on 'high seas' material, but I can PM you a link to a digital copy if you want ;)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Right now, I'd say the biggest beneficial thing you can do is just experiment. Pick a few things that look interesting and find some beginner resources to dip your toes in. It's important not to over-analyze and be too critical of these new pursuits in the beginning. My problem was, quite frequently, I'd talk myself out of something before I really explored it to even decide with confidence if it really was for me or not.

Allow yourself to just go with an idea without judgement. Reserve your criticism for later when you have enough information to make a informed decision on if it is for you. Although, be aware that there are times when you can intuit your interest and desire based off of how it makes you feel early on, just don't be so quick to pivor away because sometimes it's just the learning curve of trying something new, and when you power through the initial discomfirt you find that you DO like whatever it is.

Bottom line: don't feel as if you need to rush. With some exploring and experimentation you'll find something that really resonates with you. For me that was writing and it's been incredibly refreshing.

Good luck, comrade ;)


Hey there, comrades. Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing. I've been away for a (loong) while and thought it would be a good time to look in on everyone.

As for me, I've had a few slip ups the past few months. However, I was able to get back into gear each time by just staying positive and not throwing in the towel despite tge relapses.

The past six months have been pretty difficult. I went to jail (yep, alcohol related), my RV burned down, I lost all the stuff I had in storage (all of my fiance's stuff, who passed away is gone >_< ) and got my first DUI (which led me back to revisiting my dedication to my recovery). Even through all of it I am still plugging away and making positive changes to shape a better future for myself.

So, how's life been for you guys?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks! It's been a long road, but I am in a much better place now. Time to get back to supporting my fellow comrades!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'd love an invite, username is kvasirofthewoods


Sorry about the loooong hiatus, guys. Been going through a lot in my life and kind of checked out for a fat minute. I'd love to keep this community going though as long as everyone is on board <3

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Fantastic choice my friend! I just discovered the NA stuff as well too. Never tried it until a few days ago and I must say it is great to have since I had been missing the taste of beer since there isn't anything that tastes like it. Anyway, good to see you here, sorry I've been incommunicado here on /c/sobriety , been a busy month, but I definitely aim to be on here a bit more and try to grow our humble little nook. Welcome to the sub ;)


Hello again everybody! I hope you've all been doing great in your sobriety. Sorry for the brief radio silence, jerboa logged me out of lemmygrad in mobile and I forgot my pass and just haven't had the chance to reset it with the chaos of the past month. That brings me to create this monthly check-in post. We are all busy and I think the daily is a bit excessive especially in such a tiny community such as ours so I've opted to have a main monthly thread that everybody can chat in about things that maybe don't warrant an entire thread.

So, with that said, how we all doing out there? Been doing pretty good myself. Just had 2 months on the 5th of February and am feeling great!

Remember: One Day at a Time, comrades! ;)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Doing good myself. On Thursday I'll have 2 weeks again. Should be over two months before my relapse but I'm letting that go, moving forward and staying positive. I'm not going to let anything hold me back, not even a relapse. In the past I'd have juat said screw it, but I know that as long as I keep my head straight I don't have to let mistakes drag me back down.

Anyways, hope you guys are doing good, stay strong out there comrades <3


Hola everyone! How's the week treating you guys? ;)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Excellent! Keep on keeping on :D

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I'm doing pretty good myself. I'm on day 5 now after my relapse but I'm chugging right along. At a doctor's appointment now and busy thinking about how to tackle the rest of the week. Feel a lot better about things then I did last week, so that's good. Looking forward to the future and what that looks like. Hope everyone else out there is doing good.


How's everyone doing this week? Feel free to vent any concerns, frustrations, celebrations or achievements here ;)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Exactly. I'm so happy to be feeling a bit better and have some positivity back. This morning was rough and depressing. I'm out of the hospital now though and going to a meeting with my sponsor later on today. Thanks for the kind words <3

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Thank you for that. I'll keep it in mind. Yeah, I'm just going to right the ship and be more vigilant to possible triggers. Also work more closely with my sponsor and make it to more meetings. I appreciate all the love and support from everyone, it means a lot.


Stupidly got a bottle a week ago. I'm having to medical detox in the hospital right now. I can't write much since I'm so sick but I'll keep you guys updated later. Stay strong comrades addiction is cunning and can sneak back up on you. Much love to you all, I'll post soon again.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone, how goes it out there? I'm pounding away. Just celebrated 1 month sober. Just hitting meetings and staying honest. How is everbody else doing?


Top of the week to you chaps! Hope all is well. Once again, here is our weekly check-in thread for posting status updates, concerns and struggles we're all going through. Feel free to vent, lament, rejoice however you need, we're here for each other.

For myself, I'm on day 26 of no alcohol and I feel great! Been going to meetings and getting back involved in the community. Each day just is better than the next, a far cry from my days wasting away, crying into a whiskey bottle. I've really found a reinvigorated and renewed life. It's absolutely amazing. I still have moments of sadness and doubt but they've definitely become fewer and more managable. It's great to feel good about life and about myself again. I can't wait to see what this all feels like 6 months and especially a year in. I wish you all the same joy I've found, if you haven't found it yet then I pray very soon.


I thought it'd be helpful to have a weekly thread where we can recap our progress, struggles and concerns, or anything else that needn't a dedicated thread. Go ahead and get whatever you need to say off your chest and keep working at it, comrades!


Went to my homegroup meeting today and was asked by the guy who was going to chair if I wanted to. I said sure and lead the meeting today. It was great! I had planned on getting more involved, I just didn't think it'd be so soon. I felt a lot of joy in getting to take on an active role in other people's sobriety, not just my own.

At the end of the meeting the same fellow, Eric, became my sponsor officially. So now I have a sponsor! I'm so excited for the future! For anyobe still struggling just keep plugging away, even if you stumble, get back up and keep at it. It's noy always easy but it's doable to make a positive change in your life <3


I have struggled with my alcoholism for some time and finally was able to get sober. I'd like to pay it forward and decided to start /c/sobriety for ANY drug/alcohol addiction for those currently or afflicted in the past and ready to nurture and guide newcomers to sober living.

If that's you, please join and help me to grow a wonderful place in the fediverse for sober living. Thank you for the consideration and I look forward to seeing you in our community ;)


A big welcome to each new member! Use this thread to introduce yourself, tell us about your struggle and your goals. May you find peace and serenity in your sobriety!

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