
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Thinking of quitting my job as a postal worker once my contract ends. It puts a lot of strain on my body since I have to do a lot since the routes are all long. I'm getting back into fitness, but realised my body is not getting fitter or stronger from my work but only getting more overloaded and more injury prone. I pulled a knee muscle on my free day because of the overload, at least I hope it's a muscle and not a minor ligament tear which is a possibility as well.

If only they were still nationalised so profit isn't put first, and more postal workers would be able to work for less hours but better pay.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

Finally she uploaded again! Thought she abandoned her channel, since it was a while since she was active

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

Understandable. 63 is a reasonable age for retiring and their population is aging.


I am. I'm excited. Let's go Netherlands! First time in 24 years that we're participating

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Feels kinda dead here. Maybe we should recruit people to join Lemmygrad

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I am now just as frustrated as the first hour of not going because classmates were sharing pictures of their night out

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (3 children)

On beer three now.

(I opened it so I could make this comment)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Due to anxiety, I didn't go to an after school pub event and decided to deal with the frustration by drinking two whole beers in a row by myself. Gonna talk to my parents about my anxiety issues.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Wouldn't surprise me if the USA is behind it

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Seems like my school has blocked

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

And if there's a different brand you like you can let me know as well


Looking to get a new laptop and this is what I'm thinking about.

Also do they overheat quickly?


I'm excited. I'm supporting SKA Saint Petersburg since a couple of years. Do you have a favorite KHL team and what is it?


About Palestine, when I asked him he said he didn't have an opinion. And when I said that Israel is an aprtheid state that's comming genocide he replied with ok cool. he said he doesn't follow the news but with how persuasive the genocide has been I don't think he can use that as a way to claim ignorance. I've been sharing stuff about the genocide since october 7th and he watches my stories. And there have been multiple discussions about it with him present (where he ignored it). The reason I finally got him to talk about Palestine this time was because I realised I have to ask him directly about it whenever it was brought up in our friend group. But then he said those things I already brought up.

He thinks that politics is an opt out and that you don't have any responsibility if you claim ignorance or indifference. He treats it as other people's hobby that he has nothing to do with. He's the same way with other political topics. With black pete (a racist tradition here in the low countries) he explicitely says that he tries to escape the discussions so he doesn't have to deal with it. He feels more annoyed by anti-racist demonstrations than by racism. But when I did have a discussion with other friends about abortion, he did jump in sometimes with pro-abortion views, which was nice and shows it is possible to get him to care. He said he doesn't follow the news either, which is true, but I think he was saying that so he didn't have to give an opinion on Palestine. But I was trying to tell him that following the news is important and I gave him a recommendation for a news account to follow on instagram (@hetnieuws_nl) and even sent it to him via chat. Later I asked him if he checked it out yet, but he said he saw it but didn't click on it. My other friends in this group who are right wing say that he is left wing, but I corrected them on it, and said that he is right wing like them. His dad is a raging zionist and I think that's part of the reason why he's that way.

I think I will keep asking him about his opinion whenever a political debate is happening and not taking claiming ignorance as an answer. I think I'll also share instagram news posts with him once in a while via instagram chat. We already share a lot of stuff to each other there, so that's not a bad idea. He likes Irish music as well and am thinking to show him IRA songs as well. But don't want to force my beliefs on him too much because I don't want to push him away.

For my other friends, I do have political discussions with them. They are very right wing and whenever I have a discussion with them they treat it as just another fun interesting discussion. But I don't view it that way. I don't want to have a discussion about black pete or if abortion should be legal. And I think it shows they don't care about what I have to say but treat it as a game to see who can come up with the best arguments. How can I counteract this? I was just thinking about giving my own opinions, saying they are non-negotiable and shutting the debate down after that saying I don't want to debate it.

They are good friends and accept my gender identity and expression, I just hate their politics. But I'm glad they have at least one leftist friend to get them sort of out of their bubble. But I'm also glad I have another friend group with only trans friends where this shit isn't normal.


I had never posted there before and if I was banned before I wouldn't be able to press on Create Post. I checked but have never received a message before from r/bangladesh that I was banned. I think they have an automatic filter that picked up on the words 'US sponsored coup'. Can someone post the same picture as me with the same text to see if this is not just a me thing? I checked, I can create comments in other subreddits but can't post comments or posts in r/bangladesh anymore even though I didn't receive a notification I'm banned. I can't even see the list of moderators of r/bangladesh anymore.

But another reminder the Reddit is a US website with links to their government and a lot of national subreddits are compromised like r/afghanistan


So I had to have healthcare on vacation in Austria so I went to the hospital. The first day the receptionist was very nice and the medics were also very nice. They told me to come back the next day for a checkup, for which I didn't need to make an appointment.

So the next day I came back. The door was locked but when I was let in there were other clients waiting as well. There was no one at the reception and after 10 minutes I stood up to leave. Then I saw that finally someone was at the reception so I went up to him. I immediately made clear that I'm a tourist and speak english. I told him that I was at the hospital the day before and the reason I was there. I told him that I was told to go back the next day to check if it became better. But I had to repeat myself a couple of times because I kept stumbling over my words. Then he said there were 6 other patients that needed help and that I shouldn't hold anyone up. This was after just a minute or less of talking. I was taken aback, because it didn't seem like I was bothering him. I was just informing him why I was there. I wasn't even done with my explantion. After that I clarified that I wasn't holding anyone up and that I hadn't made an appointment the day before. I said that because I thought that maybe he thought I had already made an appointment and that I was complaining to him that I wasn't called up yet. But he didn't listen and just told me to sit down. I repeated myself and then he yelled really angrily at me to sit down. Then I took a few steps back with my hands in the air, still trying to calmly explain why I am here. Then he opened his slide window in a frustrated manner and I finally sat down because I saw it was escalating. But when I sat down I snapped, yelled fuck you at him, put up my middle fingers and walked out of the door. I was planning to calm down in the building and return to him after but saw he was now out of the receptionist box and decided to just run out of the building because I didn't want to deal with it yet. I didn't return.

My problem with this situation is that I'm clearly a foreigner who has never used the local health care before, yet he acted like I should know exactly what I did wrong and didn't want to even assume he misunderstood. Instead of explaining what I did wrong or listening and answering my question he escalated by yelling at me. The receptionist the day before was so nice, as were the medics and then this happens.


I went to a small meeting for my party, and at the end, one of us went on an anti-Russia and anti-Soviet rant (He's a Trotskyist). He started with saying that Russia buys gold from Sudanese rebels in exchange for Russian weapns for those rebels. I don't know if that is true although I don't necessarily doubt it, and another one of us said it's probably not only Russia giving weapons to Sudan, but US as well. He said that this proves that Russia is imperialist and that he doesn't understand why communist parties in the global south support Russia. I said to him that even though Russia has imperial ambitions and capitalist nations always move towards imperialism, I can see why global south countries want to work more with Russia since cooperation with Russia is less harmful that cooperation with the USA. I specifically said that it is choosing for a lesser evil, in order to convince him better.

Then he started talking about how Putin uses Siberian native soldiers as cannon folder to protect ethnic Russians. He then said that this is a holdover from Stalin who kept the colonial system from the Tsar were and that Central Asian and Siberian Native soldiers were sent to the front first in order to protect Russians. He said that Soviet Union was a colonial nation as well for the Russians and Belarussians and that the Soviet Union fell because of this colonisation and that Gorbachov was the first one who tried to correct it.

After that the other member said that it's hard to convince others when there are not many examples of actually socialism. She then named Cuba as a dictatorship, and I called her out and said it was not. Luckily she was receptive. The trotskyist defended me as well saying that Cuba 'is not as bad' and he mentioned that Cuba has a lot of international solidarity because they for example sent doctors to Northern Italy during covid. But he didn't mention that international solidarity for Cuba also means that they support Russia lol. Then we started talking about Che, and he said that Che wanted to become a minister in Cuba but was forced to leave Cuba by the Soviet Union, because they didn't like him. I said that it was hard to believe and that I didn't hear about it. He forgot where he got that from and said that not many people know about it.

I definitely held back a lot, and should've gone harder sometimes, but it's harder when the other person brings up so much random wild stuff that you don't know how to start to refute it.

What are some strategies for the next time?


als kruis­bericht geplaatst vanaf:

From June 29th, 2024. He was playing in an exhibition match for the team of the Presidency against a team of (ex-)professional players from Burkina Faso. The team of the Presidency won 3-2 with Traoré scoring twice. This was a return match from the first exhibition match in 2023, where the team of the presidency won with 3-1, with Traoré scoring twice as well.


For my main sports, I follow Football and Ice Hockey pretty closely.

I watch tennis a bit when there's a grand slam on, I follow badminton games on the BWF youtube channel sometimes. I watch the tour de france. I sometimes watch bandy, which is a sport similar to ice hockey. And I'm getting into cricket and baseball.

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