
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I have not, but my robot has!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Then dig his corpse up too and give it cybernetic augmentations with which to kill its enemies

[–] [email protected] 70 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

I literally swapped to Librewolf before the Rossman video was done. I was on Brave Browser before, but it's based on Chromium. Fuck Chromium and fuck Google. Fuck this shitty amoeba that tries to spread into and control everything.

I will post stupid shit on my federated forum and you will fucking live with it Google. Fuck you. Burn. It's time to break up the internet monopolies and do some trust busting. Someone pull FDR's rotten corpse out of the grave and put it back to work.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I actually just read this book for the first time recently.

I find myself very interested in the character of Wintermute, more so than Neuromancer.

spoilerI'm curious to see what the Wintermute part of the AI fusion will do next, assuming we get to see in the coming books.

I haven't read count zero yet

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

That intro with the androids half taken apart on the assembly lines is gold!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Those are some very intricate and dangerous looking hindclaws!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Nobody is going to say it here? I really, really like Syndicate. The original one.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm glad it didn't, because the bulky 80s tech looks cool as hell and I'm glad it's a thing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

This definitely looks interesting!

It's a shame it doesn't seem to indicate any sort of RPG elements or incorporate a living city, instead basically being Doom with a cyberpunk paint scheme.

Still, it looks exciting! Hope it continues to get developed.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My understanding from the Forgotten Firearms video is that so far the system looks pretty mechanically secure. No silly magnet tricks or RFID stealing here. As for electronic security, neither him or me are an expert in that domain so the jury's still out, but it's encouraging to know that all biometric data (print, face scan) is encrypted and stored locally! In fact, it's stored directly on the gun. How's that for data security? You have to steal my gun out of my hand and then decrypt it to get my deets :3

Fuck, decrypting a gun to steal biometric data is so cyberpunk.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

They have two methods right now, finger print and face scan. If either method verifies, then the gun authenticates. It's designed for indoor use rather than daily carry. The face scan camera uses an infra red light projector to illuminate your face in dark conditions and rain (if you have to go outside for some reason, not recommended)

So, in the specific circumstances of being a gun you leave on the night stand and don't carry around everywhere it seems pretty good. I wish it had a third verification method though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

As a gun owner, frequent sport shooter, and occasional hunter, I actually don't mind this.

The old insane NJ law was taken off the books, and this thing isn't designed for daily carry. It's meant to be a desk gun or table gun you can just leave lying out and fully loaded. Indoors, close to its charging station, the combo of fingerprint scanner and face scanner (either authenticates) is pretty darn reliable.

I just wish it had another, third method of authentication. It should have 3 ID methods, any of which can authenticate the user, in case the other 2 fail.

I would absolutely get this if I had money and leave it on my desk at all times. As long as no states try to mandate it, thus gating pistol ownership behind finances (it's a multi thousand dollar gun), I'm good with it existing.


Moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's presidential debate. We have the esteemed pleasure of hosting the two leading candidates, former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. Let's get started with our first question: How do you plan to address the current economic challenges facing our country?

Biden: Thank you, moderator. My esteemed opponent, Mr. Trump and I, share a vision. A vision of a dystopian America where our beloved corporate vampire overlords thrive. By preventing the housing bubble from crashing, we ensure that these vampiric entities can continue to feast on the blood of struggling workers. It's a win-win for them and a lose-lose for everyone else!

And let's not forget, my opponent doesn't even want to talk about mass homelessness. It's a powerful way to reduce CO2 emissions. Picture a nation where the streets are lined with tents, where the homeless huddle for warmth, and the carbon emissions decrease as they freeze to death. It's a brilliant plan to tackle climate change!

Trump: Let me tell you, folks, this radical communism thing that Sleepy Joe is proposing is a disaster! We need an oligarchical hell-state, believe me, but not like that! We'll have fast cheeseburgers on every corner, cheap diesel flowing through our veins, and coal-fired power plants pumping out beautiful, tremendous energy! Most importantly we'll grant oil companies the freedom to drill in our precious nature reserves and reduce red tape around dumping mutagenic waste in our wonderful rivers, which are so cheap and good for disposing of glowing liquids!

Moderator: Thank you for your responses. Moving on to the topic of foreign policy, how do you envision our relationship with Antarctica and the ongoing conflict with the radical penguin militia?

Joe Biden: By invading Antarctica, we not only secure the oil reserves, but also bring freedom to those dang polar bears, jack! In the process, we plan to triple the debt buying multi million dollar toilets for obsolete bombers. It's a win for Lockheed Martin and a win for wildlife conservation! What more could you ungrateful fucks ask for?

Donald Trump: You see, folks, even Sleepy Joe agrees with me on this one! We're going to invade Antarctica, and we're going to win bigly! Those penguins are a disaster, and they're laughing at us! We'll take their oil and give it to the oil companies, who are our best friends! And let me tell you, those polar bears, they love me! I'll make sure they get the best deals, like nobody's ever seen before! Penguins are losers, and we're going to win against them, mark my words! We'll be baking them like chickens for dinner!

Moderator: Thank you both for sharing your views. It's certainly been an interesting discussion. Now, let's move on to the closing statements.

Donald Trump: Folks, I've always said I'm the best at everything, and I'll be the best president for this great nation! We're going to have fast cheeseburgers, cheap diesel, and coal powerplants that'll make your head spin! We'll drill for oil wherever we want, even in the penguin-infested Antarctica! It's time to make America great again, just like it was during my tremendous presidency!

Joe Biden: My fellow Americans, I want to assure you that my plan will protect the interests of our beloved vampire overlords, it will skyrocket healthcare costs, and it will create mass homelessness while tripling the debt in just four years. We'll invade Antarctica, depose the radical penguin militia we armed, and bring freedom to the polar bears. It's time to embrace the soulless emptiness of our choices and pave the way for a dystopian future. Together, we can make this dark satire a reality!

Moderator: And with that, we conclude tonight's debate. Thank you to both candidates for joining us, and to our audience for tuning in! Now, as a finishing act to pay my sister's medical bills, the candidates will eat me, a middle class intern, alive!

[Carnal screaming] [Muffled begging] [Unintelligible]

Coruscant is cyberpunk (lemmy.villa-straylight.social)

It’s got the low life high tech thing, the unfuckwithable slums the enforcers stay out of, glowing neon bullshit everywhere, an oppressive tyrannical regime with intense social stratification, and tons of different factions competing for influence in all the different SW eras. It’s also a megacity and there’s drugs and guns all over the place.

Star Wars itself isn’t cyberpunk overall (being a space opera and all), but Coruscant feels like it to me.

I’ve always been curious bout the possibilities of a live action series focused on the city. There’s so many different environments to play with and so many different groups of people to ally with or betray each other.

I mean, not that I’d want to see Disney do it, because it would be fucking awful. Just, you know, conceptually I think Coruscant is one of the coolest places in the franchise and always wanted to see more stuff set there outside the boring senate chambers and top level landing platforms we usually see.

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