
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 9 months ago

I was kind of expecting it to be a “carnivore” thing, but didn’t consider the soy boy aspect.

Thought it was like “I only cook with lard, butter, and bacon grease because vegetables are gross”

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Definitely not FBI fedposting

[–] [email protected] 48 points 9 months ago (31 children)

Why does he not consider vegetable oil to be cooking oil?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

The 1932 election had a communist option, it’s unlikely that there will be one on my ballot.

We’re not going to overthrow fascism in America at the voting booth. I’m not trying to convince anyone to vote for Biden, that’s his job and he’s not doing it very well. I’m also not going to shame anyone for doing something easy like voting in the hopes that it makes them a tiny bit safer.

I would shame someone if they thought that voting democrat is a step towards bringing about positive change or parroted some bullshit about how we can get more concessions from Democrats than Republicans. If voting is the extent of your political engagement, you aren’t opposing fascism.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (3 children)

If Hitler had actually held an election and the only options were him or a Strasser party, I don’t think it would be immoral to vote for the Strassers. But I also don’t think it would be a moral obligation if you had no reason to believe they would stop the Holocaust.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

No I’m not, and I apologize, I did not realize what com this was when I commented.

I’ll delete my comment if it’s inappropriate here.

I do think veganism is morally correct. I think like all other environmental changes we need to make at the cost of convenience, it’s something that needs to be forced on the population because personal responsibility isn’t doing the trick.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago (6 children)

If they’re both equally evil internationally and mostly equally evil domestically, am I allowed to vote for who is less likely to remove more human rights from women and trans people?

I would never tell anyone that they should vote, I understand people’s reasons for not doing it. Selfishly, I’m going to give myself the best chance of having access to life saving health care until I’m no longer of child bearing age.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I don’t know why but home invasion is my biggest fear. I had nightmares for weeks after watching Gerald’s Game. For what it’s worth, in my nightmares, the perpetrator is always white, so I don’t think it’s strictly a racism thing.

I think part of it is we own so little in a capitalist society and it’s such a violent society, so your home can feel like your only safe space. Having that safety shattered would feel like the ultimate violation to me. And then as a woman, you add in the probability of sexual violence and it gets scarier. Also very afraid that people would kill my dogs, but cops would do that too.

I have moderate to severe anxiety and am pretty agoraphobic, so this might not be how normal people think.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 10 months ago

I don’t need my bank to be powerful, I need it to be secure and follow regulations.

I think even the Musk fanboys wouldn’t trust him with their money.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

I don’t care how fappable she is, but it is really jarring how different she looks from the first game while Pete and Miles look mostly the same. And by Pete looking the same I mean looking the same as his bad facial makeover from the remastered version.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

That makes sense, and I replied to your original comment instead of reporting it because I think we have the kind of community where people wouldn’t say something offensive intentionally. So not sure if it will get any mod attention to begin with.

I appreciate your responses a lot. heart-sickle


I’m so scared for the future and it feels hopeless.

I’m afraid to talk to my friends and family about how bad my mental health is right now because I don’t want them to try to hospitalize me or something.

I just feel like I’ve already experienced the best moments in my life and all I have to look forward to is being a wage slave, debt, and dying alone.

I know that I need to have some kind of purpose to dedicate myself to but I don’t want to do anything. I get so drained from work that I spend all my time off playing video games or watching TV just to recharge so I can make it through the work week. It just feels like a pointless cycle where I work so I can afford treats to make it bearable to work.

My job isn’t even difficult, and it’s remote and pays really well. But it’s so pointless. It’s honestly sickening how much harder people work to actually benefit society for not even half as much. I’m aware that I’m extremely privileged in this regard, but that also makes me feel even more hopeless. If living is this uncomfortable for me, so many more people must feel even worse.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how scary it will be to get old. My husband is a little older than me and doesn’t take great care of himself, so most likely he will die first. It’s very unlikely that we will have children, and also I think it’s gross to have kids just so you could have caretakers. My siblings are also older. I’m scared to be senile living alone or being abused in a nursing home. I guess it’s possible that we’ll all die a lot younger due to climate change.

I feel like the only things keeping me going are the fear of pain from dying and how my dogs and husband depend on me. I feel like if there was a button I could press to be instantly painlessly dead, I would push it (maybe I should move to Canada?).

I know that my problems are small compared to a lot of people here, and I’m sorry if this post comes across as insensitive. I feel like I just had to get these thoughts out of my head and I really love and appreciate this community. Thank you for listening.


I don’t know if I’m paranoid, but it is so much harder for me to find links for things I’ve seen to share with people.

Googling “Zelensky blonde hair blue eyes bbc” did not bring up anything referencing his sick comments. Only when I added “Twitter” did I find tweets that had clipped it.

I’m not able to find anything about Yemen being attacked recently and the most recent news says that Yemen launched a rocket.

Am I conspiracy-brained, are there just not any sources reporting on anything inconvenient to Western hegemony, or are they being buried by the algorithm?

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