Thanks for the clarification!
I'm not familiar with the German politics, but are you saying that Germany got rid of nuclear despite environmentalists?
But now you can ride around on your high horse and look at all the scum ruining our planet with their cars.
We are never gonna have a chance against climate change if we try to plead to the individual to live a "greener" life.
I'd even say, im hindsight it was a mistake not to buy bitcoin back then.
Because no conspiracies have ever existed.
One can always hope, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Yeah, and it's not like reddit grow to that size overnight in the first place. Things take time. I think this and the stuff happening at Twitter are a nice kickstart to get lemmy and other ferdiverse stuff going. I for one am happier here, it feels somehow more like old school internet.
Modern tech is a marvel!
Mulle Hello Internet toimi pitkään vastaavassa tilanteessa ilta podcastina. Nykyään unmade podcast.
Näiden lisäksi tulee vakituisesti kuunneltua nelinpeli-kastiketta
Man I fell in love with this band hard after listening to this lead me to their previous album. This upcoming release jumped straight to the top of my most anticipated albums list. Awesome stuff.
Where is social security pitched as an investment?
Edit. Now that I think about it, government retirement funds actually kind of fill those requirements. At least where I live.