Apparently a bunch of really hot people listen to Slowdive
Its the first time that Slowdive is coming to Florida since their reunion. Cant even believe Ill get to see them in 2 hours, kind of going crazy about it.
The synonymous use of arabs and muslims hurts my brain
Hope you’re not talking about using a daily for months
Im starting to no longer like miller high life. It really does just taste like corn
Whats the longest time you’ve used a pair of biweekly contacts?
Ill say it because libs wont. Rest in peace to Thomas Crooks and Yahya Sinwar
Says in Florida, if youve been baker acted you have to file a court case to get your rights backs damn
Guy Picciotto was also frontman for Rites of Spring. Ian was in Embrace as well and produced for Gray Matter, Dag Nasty, RoS
Thought i was the only one who noticed how racist instagram comments are like no matter the subculture
It’s interesting how they try to lump latinos and black people together like there arent a bunch of them that are incredibly racist towards black people
Took a lil break from watching Buffy and Angel to give Roswell a try. Thoroughly enjoying this cheese.