Overturning a law that hurts women isn't progress? Because the way they're choosing to argue isn't pure enough for you?
Omfg I can't 🥰
Ok, well you wave your magic wand and fix all the problems all at once. I, for one, am not going to hold my breath for that. Better is better.
Ok, when you can win in court with that strategy, go for it.
In the meanwhile, I'll accept the most likely to win a good outcome and get this law overturned. Sorry, I'll forever be realpolitik like that.
She's making a legal case presenting herself as the perfect case scenario. It's just a tactic to present the best argument possible to get the law overturned for everyone, even people who can't pretend to be perfect.
Deep cut Expanse reference. Specifically to an episode that had a lot of personal meaning for me.
I can feel the sneeze being restrained here
Oh great, now I'm over here googling pictures of various owl feet 😂
Given what I've seen, I'm also gonna go with my neighborhood buddy, GHO
What an adorable perfect family 🥰
I have cfs not from Covid. It's permanent. There are treatments that are at least good enough to allow me to work full time, but I'll need medication for the rest of my life
Hahaha, thank you I needed that laugh