Just imagine - everyone who write content that's worth anything these days start dating their newest posts as if they were written in 2023, creating a community within still frame of a better time. It's like Old School RuneScape, but for the internet.
There are mice with hot-swap switches (no soldering needed when replacing), but the mice themselves are very expensive. See ASUS ROG mice
I myself have been thinking about moving away from mice at all - https://0x2f.pl/posts/keyboard-and-pointing-device-combo/ - but didn't really up with switching away for now
What was in that syringe
a decision was made in early 2024 to become a hard fork
Damn thanks for protecting my ego, I didn't even have to think of anything myself
My god they really hit the home run with a brand new excuse just to fire a few more people huh?
Guess you're not ready for that mom, but the Fediverse is gonna love it
"Cardiopilled walkmaxxer? What the fuck?"
Z tego co zrozumiałem z linku z hackernews w innym komentarzu: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17718129 , to Open Banking został narzucony przez PSD2. FinTS i polski PolishAPI to specyfikacje API które są odpowiedzią na żądania narzucone przez Unię w PSD2 w ramach Open Banking.
PSD2 and “open” banking is bullshit. I wish this myth would die - it is anything but “open”. If you want to gain access to APIs, you need to become an “AISP” (as they are called in the UK), this requires a certification and a load of other nonsense akin to PCI-DSS. This is for read-only access - for “write” access including the ability to edit payees or make payments you need to become a “PISP” which I assume requires even more paperwork. I also said APIs because the regulation does not mandate any kind of API format, so every bank has their own with different capabilities as far as what data is returned and in which format. Some of them are truly awful. And finally, “open” banking still does not allow you to get a personal access token for your own account.
Zapewne kazdy bank umozliwia eksport historii transkcji w CSV juz teraz.
Przy pliku CSV i wrzuceniu tego do gnucash, robisz takie kroki:
- Zaloguj sie do banku
- Przejdz do sekcji historia
- Wyeksportuj csv
- Zaimportuj csv do gnu cash (nie wiem czy gnu cash wspiera kazdy mozliwy format csv pod sloncem)
Jezeli natomiast byloby w banku wystawione api wspierane przez program aqbanking (np api FinTS) uzywany przez gnu cash to klikasz tylko "pobierz dane z banku" i zakladam ze gnu cash sam by wrzucil pobrane dane i tyle, w dwoch klilnieciach
FinTS to specyfikacjs API, nie format eksportu danych. Zakladam ze aqbanking wspiera tylko FinTS bo API bankow (takze polskie polishapi) wymaga zarejestrowania sie jako konsument API, co jest pewnie kosztowne i wymaga biurokracji, patrz koment nizej.
i just cant escape the headphone jack jihadists even in this thread