Nobody wants to move to blue states. They move to red states.
Singaporeans are very forward-thinking. I want to be Singaporean.
Chinese Marxism or Chinese Communism is just collectivism. Marxism uses Christian existential precepts. Chinese are just nationalist with collectivist culture. That's it. Chinese were agrarian during the Cultural Revolution, therefore, there was no revolution against the rich, or the elites. Marxism takes its tropes from the Christian Bible of the rich, and powerful oppressing the poor, and downtrodden; The rich neglecting the poor, and takes the same existential dualism of the Bible. Americans misunderstood and failed to differentiate between Communism in Europe, and that of Asian and African communism during the Cold War. Vietnamese Communism was really collective nationalism with strong centralized governing; the same nationalism that defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu. To understand communism at its root is to be saturated in Christian assumptions of existence. It is no wonder that foreign communism became just a variant of nationalism. They have no rooted understanding of why communism began.
Collectivism in layers: Culture and governance
Japan: Collectivist culture, market economy, government that mimics Western democracy.
South Korea: Collectivist culture, market economy, government that mimics Western democracy
China: Collectivist culture and collectivist government. Communism the Chinese way, simply means collectivism, the Chinese way. Collectivism can involve militarism, capitalism, socialist, or any variation of things, as long it is nationalist.
You're alive, aren't you?
What about all that cheap labor from across the border? California could be saving big.
We have a Korea-town in Texas. Come on over.
It is not just immigration. It is starting wars and sending your hard earned money overseas to pay for wars. Subsidizing luxury EVs for rich people. Threatening to ban cars for the average American. Lockdown fetishes. Shoving imagined issues to the faces of Americans. Progressives are too unhinged and expensive. Hopefully, never again.
Home insurance is practically state run. At least in the state of California. The fact of the matter is, if you want reliable coverage, you need to pay high premiums. Since California thinks home insurance price gouges people, they lose coverage, and insurers. There is no evidence that insurers are dropping coverage in the middle of the fire. California has expensive homes to cover. There is only so much insurance can do magically to replace the exact value of your items, but Californians like expensive homes in danger areas.
Doesn't matter if you disagree. Marxism, like The Reformation, was based on a Christian understanding of how the world should be. Christian interpretation of the good life was what made peasants confront the feudal system. It pitted the nobles against the peasants, because the peasants were asking for equity or egalitarian treatment. Luther himself only wanted to reform the Church, but ordinary Christians had a much deeper idea of reform that was beyond what Martin Luther advocated. Christianity is subversion of hierarchy and dominance. Marxism, therefore the Bolshevik Revolution, is the same pattern. There is no similar historical pattern between Europe, which was dominated by Christianity, and that of non-Christian lands. There was no revolution against any class of people in Asia or Africa. They were simply anti-colonialist and nationalist. It is a false equivalency to equate communism with liberation from colonialist who were capitalist. Capitalism itself isn't a state. You can't call it communism by having billionaires and millionaires permitted to exist, and nurtured, in a totalitarian system that claims it is communism. It simply isn't communism. Nationalism isn't universal. That is why communism was said to fail, and created off-shoots like fascism, a socialist variant that was anti-communist, and nationalist. Even the original concept of socialism was a universal cause, not based on nation states. The US thought that the communist ideology would coalesce into a unified alliance, but nothing of the sort happened. Communist Vietnamese fought the Communist Chinese. Even US and the USSR division is argued as something based on security competition, not ideology. The USSR itself was under the control of Russia over nations of people such as Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, etc. The USSR had to control rancorous peoples who did not identify as communist, even less, Russian.