For a serious response to your probably hypothetical question, I would give enough leeway to consider mental illness if the attack was truly random and the victim happened to be a hijabi. Of course, that would have to be substantiated with a medical history and what the ("alleged") perpetrator said at the time of the attack, as the article is not specific about that.
I also hate attack ads, but... Is it really an attack ad if you simply play the recording of what someone else said without editing it to make it worse (because it's already sufficient bad in its whole, truthful self)?
I'm saying everyone should have equal freedom to wear the headwear they want to wear or not wear, regardless of whether it's for fashion, cultural, or religious reasons.
Yes, we do eventually find out what G stands for.
As bad as American prisons are, they are not on the scale as being deported (is that even the right word in this case?) to what amounts to a concentration camp in a foreign country without any process.
Firefly and Pushing Daisies are staples in these conversations, so I'll throw in a less common one: NCIS LA.
I watched that show for over a decade. It was something predictable and comfortable. The show ending was like losing my favourite hoodie I've had for 14 years. Does it really impact my life? No. Do I miss it nonetheless? Yes.
A little over a year ago, a guy tried to ask me out and I'm the process said a few dumb things in an attempt to impress me. The dumbest of them all was that he was planning to buy a Cybertruck as his next vehicle. By the time he'd said this, I'd already long made up my mind about this guy. Mind, this was the period of time when Elon was just an asshole and hadn't gone full Nazi yet, but even then, this dude's choice of vehicle told me I'd made the right choice.
Theseadays I wonder if that guy ever got his idiot truck, and, whether he did or not, if he's changed his mind about it.
The lesson here isn't "they shouldn't be able to wear headwear, either", but "I should be able to wear headwear, too".
Yikes, I'm wondering how many people looked at and approved the ad through its different stages. This is an example why you need to get fresh eyes on things before publishing, people who are too close to a project have a skewed perspective.
This is just one example of why Canada should not cozy up to China, as some have suggested in recent weeks. China is not an ally to Canada, to freedom, to democracy, or to human righta. We should never forget that their government held Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig hostage. That's just what they've done to specific Canadians, they've done much worse to other people groups (Tibetans, Uighur) and their own citizens. As far as feasible, we should be avoiding China the way we are avoiding the USA. China is more enemy than friend.
I don't believe nothing will change. I do believe Musk will capture communications and use it to monitor people he believes are his biggest enemies, then use it to best-case blackmail them, worst-case have them arrested in trumped-up (no pun intended) charges.
Random unknown people are being kidnapped, tortured, and sold internationally as slaves by the government. These are the cases we know about because they are getting to the media. How many are not getting through the Right-supporting media? Do we really think actual opponents aren't just waiting targets?
You might possibly be interested in checking out the YouTube channel MyDeepGuide. Guy does in-depth reviews ofbmostly e-ink writing tablets, which perhaps is more functionality than you're looking for, but some of those manufacturers also do standalone "just" readers. Or maybe you'll be convinced to get a writing tablet :p