
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

A classic mistake, you hate to see it. The blade is supposed to be sideways for a slashing motion, if it’s vertical like that it requires a vertical motion that’s just not very ergonomic for the same effect.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I think a good solution for something like this would be a closed loop system that pumps heat underground. Like passive cooling but on a grander scale and probably much deeper underground. So maybe more like reverse geothermal?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

This is very funny but my brain went straight to: babies are only so under developed because evolution has done us dirty so far with the human hips, if the centaur mother can pass the horse part obviously the human part can be more fully developed

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I also use KeePassium XC on my desktop and go r mobile I use an app called KeePassium. I just have them pointed at the file in my Google Drive.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you’re into open world sandbox RPGs, you can’t get more open world sandboxy than Kenshi! It’s all third person point of view and you sort of manage a whole squad opposed to a single person. There is a whole base building mechanic, there’s a tech tree that you can research through, you can create and sell your own weapons, you can do you trading runs in between cities, you could be a lone Ronin wandering the desert sands, or a religious zealot being a xenophobic jerk who hate robot people (there are robot people), aliens (mhmm, them too) and women (ofc)! The possibilities are endless, especially since there’s no actual storyline! Oh, there’s a bunch of little Easter eggs about how the world (def not Earth, too many moons) got to this point but you’re not gonna spawn in a dungeon being pointed at the big bad (is the slave start in Rebirth canon? I have so many mods I’ve forgotten) you’re probably just gonna appear in the middle of the canyon, and then make the mistake of fighting goats, but the goats are stronger than you, so they beat you into unconsciousness, and while you’re lying there, waiting to become conscious once more some bandits rob you and a slaver comes by and picks you up and sells you into slavery. It’s a good time I promise. Oh, but be warned, there’s a lot of skills and it’s kind of grindy, a little like a single player MMO. It’s great and I love it.